lalalalallalalala to el rober and more

Apr 07, 2003 09:18

el rober.. well i thought i would write about my el rober cus he wrote bout me THEJILL!!! well even though el rober did not come and get me so i can see le stakin roxy and fps... even after i told him i would go to floggin molly with him..=/ ... but anywho....

friday skool was lame.. like always.. hah i went to frist all late.. i was in der for about 5 min.. hah it dont matter a sub so who cares.. then umm then umm 6th did nto go cus sub.. pluse im boys vollryboy manger.. so i dont have 2.. so we had a game... then i went 2 go see amanda .. and she was ebign mean... and yeah.. boo amanda!!! then yeah.. r biys lost... hahah

then after that lisa got us jamba juice.. yummy!! hahah but she told everone 2 get a small and i orderd first and i said small.. then rober called me so i went outside.. and then when i came back... everyone had big ones sep 4 me.. i was HEY!!!.. but o well i still love my lisca.... <~~ thats wut i call her.....

then after that me and nicoool went to the mall.. and we got her makeup done and she got new makeup... heeh 2 very small things 4 about 35$$$ hahahah..then we went 2 her work.. 2 see her boyman... and we sat and talked 4 about 1hr... heheh then umm she came over i dressed her up and made her look very berry nice.... then we went 2 go see bubbas band the iserelites... we got der and some guy was palyin.. then nicole wanted 2 leave 2 see her bf.. booo diched agen.. so we did nto get 2 see bubba (sorry bubba) then i went home and stayed and franky called and asked me 2 his prom...
wel first he invited himself 2 mines.. and i said no hahah .. that made me mad that he invited himself.. so i was liek no ill go 2 yours.. then he said ok! so i guess im gogn with him 2 his prom.......

then satuerday i went 2 la with mom scary!!!!then i went home.. and i was talkin 2 the cool natulisious.. ya.. so i went 2 her home.. and i spen the night.. haahh she a coool chick a lil odd but way coool.... she is rich heheh live in a big house and its koooooooool.. and i felt way poor... but fun!! even though we did nto do much its kool....

next day my got me and so did amanda... me and amanda r kool now i love my amanda poo!!!!! we went 2 ports o call.. and then we went 2 amanda and we got bored so we rented a movie and then her cusin call and ask 2 babysit... so we did .. but they were sleeping .. so we just chilled .. hahah and played some DDR... AHAHAHAHHAHA so funny..we did not really play it we used r hands hahahaha... then her cusin boo came and he was all hardcore ddr dancer.. ahah we could not stop lol.. it was so funny.. haha good times..

oh yeah liek i said b4 this was 4 rober.. yeah i left the best 4 last hahahahahha... jk.. well yeah i lover rober cus he got me a homie the clown ..yay rober!!!.. now im ganan make him and buy him somehting and wrap it up and put a nice biiiiiiiiiiig green bow.. on it.. and yeah!!1 its ganan be so purdy... man class is done.. so i just wanted 2 say
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