Apr 27, 2005 21:18
2. You talk too loud and you gotta stop talking for a long while, escpeccially to me, and to pass the time.
3. You fucked yourself up with drugs, you used to be smart and funny.
4. I have had the coolest times with you and none of them consisted doing anything at all important.
5. The only person i can walk for hours with and never get bored.
6. You know you want to hit this.
7. Dont worry, be happy, you are awesome.
8. I am not a violent person and i will not hit you unless you do first, and i know you want to, but if you do, YOU ARE FUCKED!
9. Stop stabbing me, you fuck.
10. You instantly make me happier when i see you.
11. Your pure randomness and expressions make me one of my closer friends.
12. You are an idiot and should never talk, ever.
13. Out of all my friends I hardly ever see, you are the best, and queerest.
14. Lower your nose, and stop thinking everything you do and beleive in is a good decision.
15. Yes sucks, they really do.