Feb 08, 2007 20:05
Don't buy volkswaggen's.. none of them.. their garbage. I always thought that my friends were the only ones who were going to have electrical problems but i was wrong. I'm a victim. My window's fallen 3 x's in one year and now my battery is fucked up along with an array of probs. "It was the older version that had probs" the salesman tells me.. yea fuck you.. you just want me to buy your car b/c no one else will.
Work is str8 except for the fact they might sell my brand from Nordy. Illin if that happens b/c i dont know if their gonna carry it anymore and if they dont i dont know where i'd work.
School is whack.. I want it to end already and start my life as an entrepeneur. Tests blow and so does my attention span. Keep chiefing.
Ultra's coming up and i plan on getting loose. 2nd day's gonna be bomb. Morillo, Tennaglia, Guetta, Benassi, Fat Boy Slim, Van Dyke and Corsten.
The World is Mine.........