(no subject)

Dec 12, 2011 21:47

I have a very mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand, it's great to see a conclusion of the Nadia saga, however, this also begins to look like the end of doccubus pairing. My heart's bleeding when I saw the Nadia/Lauren reunion and the lack of Bo/Lauren's chemistry.
Lauren was finally let out from the Fae-prison after spending four days in the dungeon. She was desperate to the point of threatening the Ash that she will defect to the Morrigan as she knows more about this bloody curse than he is. The Ash, being more diplomatic this time, revealed to Lauren the big news (which is rather predictable at this stage after all the non-subtle hints dropped in the last few episodes and thoughtful discussions by savvy doccubus fans on the internet). The Old Ash-hole was the one who placed this curse on Nadia because he needs her to find cure for the fae-plague. Lauren was anguishing so hard after finding this piece of information she would rather burned the place down. I love this gutsy, bitter Lauren, and ZP once again, brilliantly portrayed her angst.

But wait, that's not all. The Ash has also managed to locate the shaman who placed the curse and promised to do everything he can to help her, but in the meantime, he needs her to go back to work. Talk about being cunning. I guess he smartens up after the last episode knowing that no other fae can do the job Lauren does.
Eh, Lauren did get a change of clothes. He must've thrown her in the dungeon with spare clothings.

Lachland then contacted Bo, asking her to track the dark-fae shaman known as Chambi in Congo, and to remove the nail under one condition: Lauren must never find out about this. Then he said the reason why in a very long sentence, which makes it sound like the script doesn't come with commas or dots, about the reason why.
Bo: Why not?
Lachland: Because the nail can only be removed if the person making the request has got complete and utter selfless love which is then exemplified by performing a life changing favor for someone without them ever being ...?? I'll update this once I got a file with better audio, his accent is confusing sometimes.

Then he proceeded to say he didn't make up the rules but Bo must accept this as the fact, or she won't succeed. See where this is going yet? What a cunning fucking Ash-hole!!!  Bo asked if she can go and see Lauren before she left, but the Ash forbids her as Lauren was apparently working on a very critical analysis. He recommended Bo to visit his recommended travel agent.

Bo arrived at the place which looks like a badly put together movie set with 70s tune playing in the background, and met with the only person in the room: a lady by the name of something sounded like Bashita Valapanar or - Peggy- in short. She was obsessed with numbers and seems a bit of a cuckoo. But despite this, there's already 22 people visiting her shady place, though who knows what is happening to them. I love the travel agent's conversation with Bo and to me, it was more entertaning than this week's Kenzi's attempt to plan surprise birthday party for Bo.

I couldn't help but doing a bit of Harry Potter comparison to some of the scene in this week's episode.
Bo is transported using Floo network Peggy's fae power into Chambi's hut in the blink of an eye. Bo saw the badass plank with thousands of cursing nail stuck in it. Conveniently, Nadia's nail were at the bottom, just within arm's length.

I was beginning to worry how they were planning to reach her nail if it was at the top of the plank.

The old shaman is dying, and he thought he might not make it through the night (just to hurry Bo up in her quest so it fits the one hour time slot) and tells Bo, in order for him to pull the nail, she must find the sacred healing masks that's been stolen by a Prata (no, not the bread - it's actually some kind of fae) and bring it back to him.
Bo's next destination: Madagascar.

Back at the Dal...
Dyson was moping at the bar because apparently Ciara is going for a shopping trip to buy A CASTLE that costs,oh you know, just about 6.5 millions. I assume it's in canadian dollars. Gosh, she must've invested all her money at the fae stock market since the middle ages!!!! Bo then conveniently walks into the bar with her little problem, how to find a Prata hiding in Madagascar before the clock struck 12 so Chambi doesn't turn into one dead shaman. Wait, how did she come back to Canada? Did Peggy follows her secretly to Africa? Whatever.

Trick knows just the answer, his fae-clopedia revealed that the Prata's last known locaton was inside a catacomb underneath first Christ's church. Geez, Trick, does your book also functions as a Marauder's Map? Bo will need something to bargain with the Prata and Trick gave her his wife's bracelet. Oh and just in case, let's bring wolfboy along.

One thing that has irked me a few times with LG is that their detective works consist of one minute conversation between the characters. Interestingly, this is how most cases got solved most of the time.

Cases in point:
- 'The Lich' episode - oh look at that painting that obviously stood out in the room, that must be where the horcrux his life essence reside. Let's destroy it. Well, they were wrong at the end, but this kind of conversation feels sooo flat and non-inspiring to solve the fae of the week mystery.
- MMA episode - Dyson just walks into the bar with a bunch of newspaper clipping detailing a fae couple's car accident. Their child went missing and fighter dude was a volunteer saving the kid, ergo kid is fae. I see, so he's the one who's been spiking his dad's power shake.
- Last week's snake episode - oh no we have the wrong fae, Lida S is a spitting snake-fae, and the guys were crushed to death. That homeless lady has been in almost every scene so there must be a significance to her airtime.

Continuing with the story...
Back to Peggy's shady agency. There's 77 people visiting her since and Bo and Dyson's are the 78th. That, or Peggy was just bored and clicked the remote repeatedly. Her Fae power is kinda cool though. This'll definitely save you a lot of time at customs in airports around the world.

Met the Prata, a creature who lives in a sad paradoxical existence. He can only enjoys art by touching them, yet once he stole and brought them back to his den, they will disperse under his touch. Eh, wonder how he could lay them out nicely in his den, must've hired someone. And just to make things difficult, the mask is placed at the farthest corner of his den. And the dusts from the destroyed items? They can also turns you into dust. From dust to dust basically.
I think there's actually large enough space for Bo to walk around to get that mask but whatever.

For action/wolfboy points, the Prata opens his gate, creating sandstorm which threatens to dustify Bo. She threw her knife at the Prata but it's no use, everything he touched turns into dust. Dyson, finding a purpose for his scene, throws more of the Prata's own treasure at him and finally defeated him. In the heat of the battle, Trick's wife's bracelet got destroyed and Bo being Bo, insisted on bringing some of it back, even if it's just dust.

Lauren stuff.
The Babe speech again. The doc looks painfully sad as she finally acknowledged that both of them are prisoners of the Fae world - but she promised nadia it won't be long till she's free.

Bo arrives in the nick of time, placing the mask on Chambi and saved him from untimely death. Honoring his promise, he gave her the means to take the nail out. At the fae-lab, Nadia's monitor beeps erratically and her bubble literally burst into magical lights.

Well Hellooo Nadia!!!! (played by the gorgeous Athena Karkanis).
She is like,totally.frickin.hawt! That glassy shadow from previous episodes did NOT do her any justice! As much as I don't want Nadia to be together with Lauren,and as much as I thought I would dislike her, Ms.Karkanis just changed my mind in the mere ten seconds she was on.
I might support L/N together for a threesome with Bo a short time. Damn you Lauren, you got yourself one hot chick. No wonder you're so mixed up over her with Bo!

Bo, naive as she was, tries to pluck more nails as she doesn't want any more people to suffer. The shaman stopped her, saying that not everyone cursed are good people. Who is Bo to judge who's good and who's bad? Bo, wised up a bit, says the same to him and decides to prevent anymore cursing business. She used the magical dust to destroy the remaining of the shaman's box of nails.

Back at the Ash's residence. Bo went to see Lauren and instead she saw the Doc and Nadia kissed tenderly (I imagine it's been at least an hour since the nails were destroyed? Oh well, they do have lots to catching up to do). Unable to stand the sight, Bo left quietly.

To cut the story short, Kenzi's been planning Bo's birthday party since the beginning of this episode. In the process she met her childhood sweetheart and acquired several chinese lucky cats. Everyone was invited. Lauren brought Nadia into the party like a proud girlfriend and introduced her to everyone...

...and gave Bo a bloody frickin shuriken as her present. I think Bo's face says it all.

Their conversation was short and awkward and Lauren wasted no time going back to Nadia. ZP looks awesomely pretty in her dress but no matter how beautiful she is, I'm still saddened by this new development..

A mysterious guy showed up, giving Bo a mysterious bracelet containing mysterious inscription. Honestly, I'm too drained at this point to care about him, except that he will probably become Bo's next love interest as everyone else's hooked up. Bo was left feeling lonely at her own party.

Lauren and Ash-hole
As if we didn't see this coming a mile away....
Cunning Ash-hole managed to secure Lauren into lifelong servitude for the second time, and again, at her own volition. Her recommitment in exchange of Nadia's life. AARGHHHH!!!!!

I like Lachland's character though, so far it seems he's acting on behalf of the light here and there but I can't help but wonder that this has all been a long scheme to secure Bo into light servitude; eg. being nice, tolerating her acts and securing Lauren so she's with the Light. He's said it before, the means doesn't matter as long as it justifies the outcome, and I guess this can be played both ways. I'm interested to see more of him, and figuring out if he's a villain in disguise or just a messed up Light fae.

As far as doccubus goes, I'm in a fairly pessimistic mood right now. I don't know what could bring Bo and Lauren back together now that N/L relationship has been forcefully cemented.
We've heard the 'true love' speech from Lachland in order to break the curse (although he could be lying) and seen the obvious attraction/feelings between L/N. It seems so unfair to break these two now, not unless it's really,very, *terrible* writing.

But I don't want to see Nadia getting hurt either.
And I don't like lesbian triangles. They generally ends in tears, suicide or murder. The Norn is apparently coming back next week too -maybe to rent a room at Ciara's castle- and we've heard from Trick today than wolfboy need to sort out his feelings, fast.

Dyson + Norn = undying love for Bo - wrath of Ciara.
Blergh, I don't like this development at all. And I don't want Bo/Lauren love to die. *cries*

lost girl

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