Thoughts and recaps on 2.10 'Raging Fae'

Nov 29, 2011 23:37

This episode was heavily focused on Bo, her past and present relationship with both Faes and humans alike. Some MMA scenes were thrown in, succubus-style of course, and Anna Silk really reminds me of Hillary Swank in her 'Million Dollar Baby' boxer outfit. I enjoyed having Anna as the main star in this week's episode and seeing how human Bo really is despite having lived amongst Fae for quite some time. And let's not forget there's some yummy, unexpected doccubus moments for us Bo/Lauren fans.

The episode opens with an ogre requiring help from Lauren (man, I thought we're not going to see her in this episode, I am so rapt and even more so when I discovered what happened later on) because he was beat up by a mere human during an illegal MMA fight. Bo of course, offers to investigate after finding out humans were thrown in the ring to fight for Fae's pleasure, and was adamant to get the place shut down.
The illegal fight was organized by a guy named Ferrero, a pillar in light Fae community who owned a legit gym and a philanthropist.

Seriously, just look at his face and his meaty fist. I bet you want him on your hospital board and ask him for donation. I thought he looked more like a shady car salesman who used to work as a bouncer in a nightclub. He even calls Bo - 'Boom Boom' as Bo's not cool enough for a name. Dude, that's just dumb.

After a mild persuasion, namely beating another girl-fighter by the name of Laila Ali Trasher (duh) and a little white lie, Bo was in. She found the unbeatable human fighter, Mike, who's about to turn into a hulk after being taunted rudely by Ferrero - and then passed out. Oh and he had a little boy who he always bring along to the gym. After he recovered, both of them talked and Bo managed to stole an evidence - Mike's protein shakes' bottle.

Another storyline begins when a girl from Bo's past showed up (no, sadly not her ex-gf). Mel was the sister of Bo's first boyfriend, Kyle, whom she succubused till death. After obsessive stalking/investigating for years, she finally found Bo, or Beth as she knew her back on her highschool days. There was also a crumpled photo of secondary school Anna Silk, I guess that's all she could get from the yearbook.
Mel confronted Kenzi at their house and started asking questions about Bo. Fearing that Kenzi had been deceived by Bo, she wanted to call the police. Kenzi smartly stepped in saying she personally knew the best homicide detective on the beat.

Things get ugly as Bo met Mel at the police station as she reported her findings to wolfboy Dyson. Mel accused her of killing her brother in front of everyone, causing a big scene at the station. Bo was upset with Kenzi and she hastily stuffed her clothes into a duffel bag, ready to skip town again as her guilt resurfaces.

Bo: Everything bad that's ever happened to me in my life has been because someone has been trying to protect me with lies!
Boy do we ever get a more blatant statement than that! Yup that's pretty much what's been going on with Bo in both season one and two. Well done on summarizing the show in two lines. First Trick lies to her about Aife, then Dyson lying about the Norn visit, and finally Lauren when she slept with Bo the first time, and of course, with her girlfriend-in-a-coma Nadia. I think Kenzi had lied to Bo too during the Baba Yaga episode. It's tough being the girl everyone loves yet being lied to so often.

Bo then shared her past with Kenzi. She was raised in a farm with parents who appears to be conservative Christians (ie. sex is evil). When Bo hit puberty her succubus power began to awaken and when she had sex with Kyle for the first time, she was convinced that what her parents said all along was
right, because Kyle is now dead. Bo confronted her parents and they revealed that she was an adopted child. I love Kenzi in this episode, she irritates me with her unreasonable hatred/jealousy towards Lauren but for Bo, she really would do almost anything.

The case continues
Turns out there was a trace of frog-sweat inside the power shake, this substance is produced by an amphibious Fae called Gama-sannin (Naruto much?). Bo just needs to prove dodgy salesman Ferrero doped Mike the MMA fighter and case's closed. And Bo can skip town like she had been doing before.
So, before she left, Bo decided to enter a fight that night and while Mr.salesperson is busy watching, Dyson can collect some evidence.

Cringeworthy shot of the ring - yeah i'm afraid of the quality of streaming I'll get for subscribing into this low budget 3d animation MMA fight show.

Remember Trasher? She's Bo's opponent tonight and she's not holding back. Things get ugly when Bo who's not in a right state of mind remembered what she did to Kyle and decided to punish herself by not putting up a fight in the middle of the match. Which results, of course, in her getting trashed. I felt quite horrible watching Anna Silk getting pounded, and the makeup department did a good job depicting how bad her injuries were, especially ones on her face.

Get ready for some doccubus time

Dyson managed to sneak Lauren out of the Ash's compound to treat Bo at his house. Why Ciara wasn't there and Kenzi didn't follow them weren't clearly explained...but that's beside the point. He didn't stay however, and left Lauren to treat Bo's wound while he's off to inform the Ash about Ferraro.
Lauren told Bo she heard about her encounter with Mel, which prompts Bo into tell Lauren what she really felt - that she is a monster amongst humans. Lauren tried to comfort her, but Bo went into emotional breakdown, and told Lauren (in a beaufitully heartbreaking scene played by AS) about her guilt all this time because she had killed a boy and the pain it must've caused for his family.

Lauren: You're a different person than you were then, and the person that you are now I absolutely love-
Lauren: I didn't mean that... (sigh) I don't know what I mean.
Bo: Forget it, you're all mixed up over Nadia.

I swear I went into a fangirl mode when i heard the L-word but the part after really pisses me off. Like, seriously? Now I'm confused what you mean with love Lauren, cuz you said it just like love in the sentence 'I love an apple'.

Lauren: I don't even know what I'm feeling this days.
And Bo is still nice enough to ask how she's going with the nail research. GOOD GRIEF WHY DOES ALL THE CONVERSATION WITH BO IS PEPPERED WITH NADIA THESE DAYS??
I would recommend you watching the clip as ZP acted this part, it is soo amazing and to me confirms that Bo's importance >>>>Nadia at this stage.

Lauren: I'm looking into it. And the thought of waking Nadia up is....(sad smile) but Bo the thought of losing you... (she touched Bo's face affecionately)

Bo: Hurts. (Lauren nods wordlessly)
Bo: No I mean the spot you're on, it hurts.

You know what? I know now why they have to keep mentioning Nadia. Because without her, Lauren is soo gonna hook up with Bo without any dramas. I mean, the chemistry between them is ridiculously awesome.
With Kenzi, Bo only confess so far as her family background but with Lauren she seems to bar her soul and feelings. I don't think she ever opens up emotionally to other characters in the show but to Dr.Lewis. I hope this is a good indication of what's to come in the future and I certainly like the writer of this episode better than the last, no more ridiculous brushing off for no fucking reason.
What's missing is Bo feeding from Lauren for healing purposes! I was seriously expecting some chi-transfer after the emotional talk. But meh, quite happy with tender touching by dr.Hotpants.

Storyline continues...
It turns out Mike's kid is the culprit, eight years ago a Fae couple was in a car accident and in a bizzare turn, Mike ended up saving him and took him as his own son. Kid's been spiking his dad's drink with his sweat/secretion to turn him into a super fighter. Bo got to the ring in the nick of time (although dad's been a punch bag for quite sometime I'm surprised he hasn't turn into a hulk-man) and told the lil' boy to tell his dad of what happened. Boy confessed and showed dad what he really is live on the ring. Ferraro desperately try to unplug his computer for fear of spreading Fae secret via internet. Hey I'm sure someone had tweeted it, too late! Dyson finally arrested shady guy.

Mike's opponent is a 7 foot tall fighter and Ferraro told him to finish Mike after he forfeited the match. Of course, dude can't fight anymore or else his organs would explode so our favourite succubus stepped in. Big guy's no match for Bo. A little kick to the crotch and a massive chi-drain, guy's down in 2 seconds. It actually looks pretty cool too. I guess Bo's fighting moves are more effective for guys than girls.

Scene cuts into Bo and Kenzi at the bar, she apologized for being so hard on Kenzi and decided to tell Mel the truth. Mel forgave Bo, she didn't know that Kyle was murdered by a serial killer and Bo was in a witness protection program all this time and Hale was her handler. Bo was upset with Hale, but it was Trick who actually talked him into it. He scolded Bo for not admitting she's a Fae and for being naive about the implication of revealing Fae's world to humans. I like angry Trick. Bo *finally* tells Trick about her vision with the Nain-Rouge, and he simply said that she shouldn't believe what she saw at face value.

After all this fiasco, the Ash's forced to step in. He visited Ferraro in his gym, asking about what happened. Shady guy confessed he'd been consumed by dark appetite and in a bizzare twist, the Ash revelead his fae-power aka ugly needle teeth and ate/killed Ferraro.

More questions about the Ash. He doesn't look to Light-y to me. Could be a dark fae twin brother of the dopplehead we saw in previous episode?

lost girl

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