Autumn Update

Oct 27, 2012 20:10

          so we all know i dont update often & this is mostly for myself, right? its all good if you would like to read, which is the reason i make my posts either solely private or public, but i gather its rather boring to others, though it can be a bit personal. thing is, i like to write. i have not written here but ramblings to myself in some time.   once i remember how to post photos here & do the lj cut thing, i shall again. till then, its just links & long - ass text.  and we know how i ramble when i write.

so then:

it has gotten cold outside, the season is in full swing indeed.  whee.

last semester i completed my associates degree - apparently in liberal arts. not sure why tvi - er cnm rather, didnt opt for giving me the metals tech or auto degree, but whatever.  yay me!!!

i took this current semester off because a) student financial aid ran out for that degree b) i thought my ortho surgeon (aka hip doc) and i had agreed that i would have one more, rather hardcore hip surgery this season (he said the pain clinic sort of sucked & was difficult to get in to)  and i thought it good to take time off to heal.

turns out in 3 months time he changed his mind Completely. he said no surgery (ok, his rationale was valid; he wasnt sure he could do any more good, as he'd already gone in arthroscopic-style this time last year & it only helped a little; but getting dumped sucked hardcore) he referred me to the pain clinic and discharged me as a patient. fucking bummer. this made for a very difficult week.

errr ok. perhaps this the kick in the ass i need. i am on my own with the hip, fucking again. ok, so i get to fix myself- the last surgery (aug "11) helped about 20% or so.
 i will, so help me, re-train the muscles all around the hips (as yes, my left one as well, the 'good one' aint doing so good recently either) and continue to make my badass muscle/tendon rubs & continue to re-up my medical marijuana licence. i will exercise Lots more & rebuild the self; because, seriously, fuck this.

i miss dancing. i miss the ice. i miss working in cars and burlesque,  i am fucking tired of not being able to keep plans, walk my dog, work a little, at the damned least work on this house & my stowage locker.

so far i have been better about taking my daily NSAIDs, eating better & attempting to sleep more consistently, as well as the exercise:

the last week or so i have been actively exercising Much more frequently; saturday i cleaned, brewed my 3rd batch o beer (a cherry wheat, from a recipe, that we altered, instead of the kits i have been doing so far) & was generally on my feet most of the day, monday night i took a long walk & stretched. wednesday i did the stationary bike for 20 mins, a bit o yoga/pilates & cleaned house. today i walked for 3 1/2 hours around the zoo. been Super laying off the pain pills (even tramadol, which although has just been classified as a hardcore controlled narcotic, dont get me high, which i enjoy about it) and even muscle relaxers as well, even though i have prescriptions of several (well, not that many) as well as been paying attention to, though not making Great strides with my drinking. i have been limiting myself to a healthier extent however, so like, as often, but not as much.

fuck i hurt.. but again, fuck this.

cool sciencey shit:

the evil mr kitty kolmundr turned a year old last month, he hasnt gotten very big, and his voice still hasnt changed- both of which are Fucking Awesome!!  when he makes noise he goes "Wheet Weet" its like this uber feminine squeak. i love that shit.  also he hates when i sing chantilly lace, because he is a man cat. a MAN CAT! 
yes, he is... an asshole that is.. a cuddly asshole. i have employed a cheapo squirtgun, a spiderman one in fact, it makes yelling at kol hella festive. because i like to make discipline festive apparently...

alright then.


today there was breakfast at murphys mule barn -good shit- then voted early. yay. then went to the zoo  & dinner. all with the folks, even though i had to move back in, we dont spend a lot o time together.  a good day. and i am bloody exhausted. oh wow.

wonderful inspiring shit:

speaking of oh wow, i am sort of seeing someone.  someone new.  it is brilliant, i am smitten. by far,  and whee!

some o my pirate crew:        will be coming over to trick or treat in my neighborhood, as we have a 5 year old as excuse to do so, you know, as pirates.   then theres the shindig we be throwing next weekend; some of us will be characters from terry prachet's Discworld. *extra whee*  
last year i was busy, hurting & tired most of the halloween time. so this is also full o whee!  i super extra dig this season.

o believe thats all  i got

been watching this lately, usually not much for american history, but this is cool:

and this is just fun:

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