I just lowered my personal cell phone package by $20 a month since I rarely use it. Take that, AT&T! I just saved $240/annually. Shazam! That's twice what I just spent on a skirt-buying binge?
Also, I have to say that I do not miss having cable. Even 2 Netflix at a time is an uphill battle for me.
Speaking of:
Small Town Gay Bar - not the happiest movie on earth? I don't know why I thought this would be super fun but instead it was depressing and I wanted to go pick them all up and drive them to NYC. Especially the dyke
who was raped by her h.s. football team. And the "Fuckin Savage" guy with the switchblade. Wow. To live life with that basic survival instinct (and have it be founded) is truly mindblowing. I also watched the intro with Kevin "Chasing Amy" Smith which was exactly what you're thinking it would probably be like. (Useless.) But he did fund the documentary!
And I finally saw
Venus Boyz. Wow, that was a long time coming. I only vaguely remembered seeing the Back Door Boys (over and over again), although I know I've seen some of the others. But seeing it made me think a lot about presenation and body space. Every once in a while I try to walk around like I think guys walk about and it's interesting to see how your body language shifts.