Brainwaves Flatline

May 05, 2009 21:20

I am still at work and I came in for a 10:30 meeting today.  Then I had another few meetings and some other things and now I am still working still working still working at 9.  Thankfully our all-dept meeting is next week and while I will have an absolutely horrid week, it will all be over after that.

Unfortunately I am presenting how and why TNR works to a block association tomorrow night.  Maybe not the best time for me workload-wise but if I remember correctly, last month when they asked me it was right in the middle of a TNR project and Spay Day.  I am sure it will be fine but I always have fears of tomato-throwing and people telling me they poison the cats or trap them and dump them in Red Hook and it will be a nightmare.  But so far that hasn't happened with any of the community outreach talks I've done.

I have actually switched my Food Co-Op shift to a weeknight because I am really sick of having to go in on a weekend.  Goodbye Saturday A week!  Half my weekends have animal welfare projects cutting into them...I just couldn't let more of my weekend be eclipsed by a co-op shift.  I spent my last Saturday shift answering a billion phone calls about the Brooklyn Food Conference as it was going on.  People were still calling.  I didn't go.  I was sick of hearing about it and I didn't feel like dealing with crowds.  Instead I ate brunch at Snice and went shopping with the boy for house decor for my apt and had coffee with my friend, L, who I haven't seen in ages.  And then passed out early to go to Le Jersey.

My friend lives in these condos that were converted carpet mills.  He lives next to a gd waterfall with ducks and they have a pool and gym and everything.  I know I have mentioned this before, earlier, and decided I do not want to live anywhere but Bklyn now anyway.

Okay, so, I have a 10-12 meeting with other agencies tomorrow morning and then a project planning meeting for a TNR event with my agency and then the team I supervise has their weekly review mtg.  And then I leave for the outreach.  And then and then and then.  (I still like my job just fine.)

ALSO REMINDER FOR ME:  Go to the tailor's that needs the cat fixed (the ones that called you and left a vm because K gave them your number) and talk to them about the SNC on rescue days.  Get dates from JL and bring him in the morning at 8:30 and they can pick him up at discharge.  Talk to him Thursday morning! !!! !!!

dream job

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