If today ain't Caturday

Jun 06, 2007 10:23

...ain't no day Caturday.

- Woke up to 7am call from L
- Stupid Couple never got adult cats in carriers for unit date
- Boyfriend flipped cats out so it was harder for her, and then left for work
- Ran down to help her by 7:30a
- Stupid Woman whined about being scratched, told her I don't care
- Stupid Woman lets both Boy Cat and Nursing Mom cat out of room we cornered them in
- Closing doors must be rilly rilly hard for some folks
- Did 2 cats make it to roof? Closing roof hatch much be rilly rilly hard for some folks, too
- Stupid Woman swears cats never access roof hatch
- Corner 3rd cat downstairs in landlord's apartment hallway, them asking where cats came from?
- Loading 3 cats into car...Boy Cat falls from the sky, or roof
- Boy cat falls from the roof Stupid Woman swears he was not on
- Boy cat bleeding and limping a little
- I run over with carrier and towel, Boy Cat scales doorway and lodges in doorway overhead
- Neighbors offer ladder, garbage can, gloves
- Call ACC, pls come quick, emergency
- Leave L with Boy Cat in shock, plastered to doorway overhead, with ACC on way
- Late for work
* ACC used a noose-pole to get him and he'll be examined there, and pulled with his A#, although ACC thinks now (now that he's been traumatized by the boyfriend and Stupid Woman this morning) he might be unadoptable. Will have to see if he calms down.

- Run into landlord of lot cats' property
- Hugs me and kisses me on the cheek
- Tells me he knows we couldn't get the girls
- Tells me he saw two of them going toward the eastern yards this morning

Pls no more Caturday.

Stupid Woman is definitely a hoarder. I told L she likes people too much and gives them too much leeway and the person who handles hoarders should really be called in because she still won't release the kitten, the nursing mom or the 3 babies...although she was willing to call one of the kittens retarded. Pot, kettle?
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