Apr 07, 2015 01:56
Just a few random things (mainly political):
1) Gun rights in general. Gee whiz...people get so so so so so defensive on guns. The points raised by extremes on either side typically aren't even in the ballpark of reason or sanity of the opposing side. It's as thought they aren't even speaking the same language.
2) The NRA is visiting Nashville this week for their annual convention. The NRA disgusts me. People having guns is a fundamental right. SANE people having access to REASONABLE GUNS for self-defense or hunting is that right. Nothing more, nothing less. The NRA plays under a completely different rulebook than that, complete with tons of misinformation and scare tactics.
Speaking of misinformation/scare tactics...I give you points 3, 4, and 5.
3) If you lie about being shot at as a journalist while in a warzone, you may be fired/suspended.
4) If you lie about weapons of mass destruction being present while said warzone was just a zone, you will be re-elected POTUS.
5) If you lie about having sexual relations while being POTUS you'll be impeached but only by Congress not by the Senate so you can serve out your term.
Regarding 3-5...How about this...STOP LYING.
6) I believe there should be a woman President like...yesterday. I don't think that woman should be Hillary Clinton. Nope. I don't. That may shock some of you reading this. I could care less. You know that friend of yours who wants the ideal mate and pines after them night and day? That's Hillary with wanting the Presidency. The gleam in her eye is a bit too shiny for me, she almost looks rabid with excitement over it. Overly staged, overly produced, overly focus grouped, and overly insincere. PS - I'd take her over damn near anything Republicans can hope to produce (Bush, Cruz, Jindal, Ryan, Christie, Perry, Walker, Paul, and of course, Santorum all just magically pop in my head as wtf are you thinking possibilities). Still, I'd rather not have to vote for her just because her rabid I want to be the first female POTUS version of crazy is LESS scary than what the GOP can offer.
So again, how about we try to focus our attention on a few matters of our own...like California and many parts of the West running out of water in the VERY near future and what that will do in terms of not only people massively relocating to other places, but also our FOOD SUPPLY. Feel free to choose another real issue like our infrastructure continuing to become dilapidated, many countries in the world now running CIRCLES around the US in education, the volume of elementary, middle, high school, and college shootings we have vs any other first world country, or even the fact that multiple senators recently broke the law (the Logan Act) in their letter to Iran. Oh wait, I guess that's back to misdeeds by gov't officials in some of our highest positions..and they rarely (if ever) pay for misdeeds. This whole political system is just a giant game of avoiding the real issues, and I cannot understand why Americans continue playing the game.
PS - If you want to talk to me further about gun rights, remember I was in an armed robbery barely 5 years ago while AT WORK..and was the ONLY employee within gunshot of said robber. Have you ever been in the line of fire of an armed robber who legally has a gun under current politics/laws at your place of work? I have.
That was a lot. Had to get it out. Kthx.