This post is nothing but a financial/political rant (Most posts that have wtf - Lewis Black as their header are rants of some sort).
Are we just headed down a road into a dark oblivion of horrible non-debt resolution?
Why do these people ( I Care not your party ) eternally attack the lowest economic level of our society first? Why must they always
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As for the economics part of it... well... I think the fact that is a sort of socioeconomic class warfare just kinda makes the economics a bit of a song and dance/smoke and mirrors.
On the other hand, at least our debt is denominated in dollars. Why default when you can (hyper) inflate! :P (That was Iceland's mistake... Euros instead of whatever it is they use there...) And as a pacifist, I feel compelled to point out that if our country would kick it's habit of bombing the shit out of brown people, we could save a few bucks too! (Although, ironically, the military is a great Keynesian jobs program... too bad as a I can not ethically participate in it... also the part where people shoot at you is not something I'm super excited about either...)
(Actually, I think we're in a bit of deflation right now rather than inflation, but that's a bit of economic discussion probably too serious and nuanced for a good old fashioned bile slinging rant! Flame on! And Lewis Black is The Man. :) )
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