Nov 09, 2008 14:00
On the election....
So it looks like my predictions came true (364-174). Electoral college speaking...that would be a blowout. The last time a Democrat did that (without the aid of a 3rd Party candidate getting at least 10% of the vote was in 1964 (LBJ V Barry Goldwater). There are a large number of reasons for this, and I would be a fool to attempt to argue all of them. I think we can agree though on a select few...Economy and foreign relations both being in far worse standings than they were 8 years ago...Iraq not going the way the majority of Americans would like. Furthermore, we had a Republican candidate who was all of the following (would be the oldest 1st term elected President of all time, could NOT maintain a consistent campaign message or tone throughout the campaign, had continual and consistent infighting within his campaign structure, nominated a VP that most of America (by election day) was TRULY scared of, etc). My honest belief is that a large number (large number meaning 2-5% of those voting non-Democrat) did so out of fear of Obama (justified or not, whether it be ties to Islam, terrorists (both US and Foreign), lack of experience/knowledge, the fact that he does not say the Pledge of Allegiance, etc) meaning that I think if the nominee had been say...Richardson or Clinton, even Biden or Dodd, the margin would have been even HIGHER. How scary is that?
Does all this mean anything going forward? NO. it means NOTHING going forward. We are still in many ways a nation divided. Anyone elected President (on either side of the aisle) typically has a very divided and partisan congress and senate to attempt to work through legislation with. Will that be different this time around? I do not know. What I think though is that this is a time for things to get done. No Child Left Behind, Alternative Energy, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, the economy, healthcare, infrastructure, foreign relations, social security, trade deficit, national deficit, etc. It is a VERY long list of urgent problems that are all clamoring for attention and all need to be addressed ASAP. I think it would be incredibly unfair to hold in President in the modern age up to the 100 day test of FDR. That said, I think if there was ever a time for someone to come close and bring some attention to a number of matters in a short time, this would be the time. So, with a certain degree of hope I wish those still in office and those newly elected the very best towards turning around and fixing a large number of issues our nation is going through right now.