Anon post

Nov 17, 2010 00:16

 Anon Post
Tell me what you think of me, ask me something you've wanted to know, pour your heart out, spam me, give me advice, ask for advice-- anything you'd like. ....I THINK anon should be on and all that jazz... errr. SOMEONE BEAT ME IF IT'S NOT, OK.

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If I told poured my heart out to you anonymous November 17 2010, 19:23:52 UTC
especially ABOUT you... you'd know who I was. Immediately. So, uh. SPAM TIME

I am really bad at being productive. I am jealous of how much stuff you do, even if you don't really do it all well, or finish everything, or whatever. Because at least you start it, which is better than me half the time. (That got a little heart-poury... maybe I can do this anonymously!) You also have a really wide span of interested, which I'm jealous of.

You make the best food, even if I don't always like all of it.

You're the most fun to go shopping with, even to the grocery store.

You have nice hands. And other nice parts of your body, but we won't go there on teh interwebs. (I'm getting dangerously close to revealing myself here.)

I wish I were more into some of your major interests so that we had more to talk about. We don't talk enough.

You have the cutest rats. I think you attract the awesomest ones.

I really need to NaNo, but I'm not. This is bad. I think I will fail this year. I really have no excuse, either. It's bad.

I want waffles and can't find my waffle maker.

I think I will one day surprise you with how much of a hippie I am.

I secretly hope you move near me when we're settled down grownups with houses and such (assuming either of us ever have houses and such), because you're the most fun person to hang out with that I know, even though we actually have little in common other than liking each other's company.

If you don't know who I am by now, I'm doing much better than I thought.

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious has sixteen vowels and eighteen consonants.

I am a total dork.



Re: If I told poured my heart out to you omnomnomsweets November 18 2010, 06:12:16 UTC
Pffff. I think I know who this is. *noogie noogie* I don't know how good I'll ever be at settling down, but rest assured that I don't intend to fall off the face of the earth or anything. :3


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