Backstory Information

Apr 04, 2007 16:55

Player Information
Name: Christopher
'Hogwarts is Home' House: N/A
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address):
MSN: (see email)
AIM: crazycaliboy286

Character Information
Name: Alastar Jennings
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 14
Birth date: August 15th, 1992
Year: 5th

Although this might seem like a strange sign for Hufflepuffs, Hufflepuff Leos do exist. Many become the prefects of their House when they reach the proper age, for they are good with other people, have a fine sense of initiative, and have the nobility of spirit to see that the right thing gets done at all times. They like to set a good example for others - the phrase "noblesse oblige" probably sums it up well (nobility imposes obligation). Generous to a fault, they will give everything they have (be it money, energy, or loyalty) to anyone who needs it.

Bloodline: Pureblood
Heritage: Irish
Personal History: Being the 2nd child and the 1st boy was always hard on Alastar, when he wanted his parents attention. He would usually bicker about it with Penny that he was the more loved child of the two of them. He did make it easier for them after all, by doing everything they wanted and not making a single argument of it. This might later be the cause for his refinement and well-mannered countenance further in life as he grew up. While in the household, Alastar saw himself as the lawmaker of the family when Arthur stepped out, because Penny wasn’t exactly the type to be strict and punishing to their younger siblings. Of course, he was only like that out of love for them. Over protective some might have easily described this feature. As they grew up, he bonded well with all of them, mainly his brothers because they were also boys, even his oldest sister, though they still had their arguments from time to time which no one in the house enjoyed hearing, but they would make up after quickly, then a few days later return to that argument or start fresh with a new one.

He enjoyed his life of luxury rather well after his grandparents died, though he did miss them dearly, especially his grandfather to whom he was very close. He was able to get most of the things he wanted now, and they could afford it. Alastar didn’t really need it all really though, but life was just more sweeter with it.

As they all did, Alastar went to boarding school and received a fine education. He wasn’t incredibly intelligent but there was enough in his head to get him a little more than decent grades in school. When he got his Hogwarts letter though, he was thrilled even though he thought he would be stuck in Gryffindor with Penny and had to be forced to spend time with her, but in actuality he got to go to Hufflepuff where he made his own friends there, and had very much of a blast with them. Like his sister, though all the family grew up with the trait of a love for the game, he took up Quidditch on the house team his 2nd year as the team’s keeper, his finest position as he learned back at home when the family would get together to play.

When he had discovered that Penny had gotten herself impregnated over the summer between his 4th and 5th year, he had thought it was some publicity stunt to get his parents to favor her or him and thought it had worked, until she told them and he saw how frustrated they were. Alastar went to his sister’s side and tried to help comfort her as much as possible, because he was still her brother. Now he saw himself as her protector and that of his other siblings. He does not want to see any others in his family embarrassed like the way she was, especially the other younger girls.

Personality: Alastar was born and raised into the life of good manners, being a Pureblood and all, so, obviously, he was practically trained to be the most mature male in the Jennings household, other than his own father, though he would prefer to say that he is “wise beyond his years.” That doesn’t mean that he still doesn’t know how to let loose and boogie down. When he is amongst his friends or playing Quidditch, and none of his family is around, he can be the life of the party, or at least one of the hardest partiers in the room. During that time he can be just completely jovial unless he gets laughed at then he becomes embarrassed and cowers away in a corner to suck his thumb curled up in the fetal position (not really). Though when his family IS present, then he remains calm and collected to show some restraint and be the leader of the pack by example. Someone has to do the job, right?

He is the typical “boy-next-door” and friend to all who allow him to be, even Slytherin students that let him into their circle. Alastar has very few enemies, but to those that are, watch out, because he can turn on you in an instant if you push him, and he has no compunction what so ever to jump into a fight if you ever offend him or his family. No words about it, since he really can’t come up with words to fight back with, just attack, like the lion in his astrological sign. It is that type of loyalty to his family and friends that made him a Hufflepuff, but his courage is somewhat Gryffindor like. Around the ladies, still being young and all, he is uneasy towards them but he hides it all under his smile and charming disposition. Inside he thinks he can only screw up by saying or doing something stupid that will only increase his downfall. Especially if he fancies one of them, then that is a sight, for he will become a stammering idiot and just let everything go so no knowing what would happen there.

Physical Description: Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, light muscular build, 5’11”, 160 lbs
Preferred Body Model: Max Thieriot

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length. 4th character, not needed.

Hobbies and talents - max of five:
Quidditch - Best at keeper, though he can also play seeker and beater pretty well.

Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses:
Insomnia - Has a terrible problem of not sleeping, but there are times, usually after a period of several days, that he does actually get to sleep. Amazing how he can still play Quidditch and remain awake in class on his energy, or lack there of.
Over protective - Mainly towards his family, his siblings. Underneath the rivalry against all of his brothers and sisters, there is this feeling that he needs to be aware of what goes on in their lives because he is constantly worrying about each of them even though he doesn’t show it. He lashes out on anything that he thinks could threaten their way of life, meaning boyfriends especially to the girls in his family, mainly Penny, since a Muggle got her pregnant. Alastar remains bitter to this day about letting that slip through his fingers. This also will apply to his future relationships as well, since a girl is bound to enter his life at some point.

Best subjects - max of three:
History of Magic
Ancient Runes
Worst subjects - no max:
Muggle Studies

Broom: Cleansweep 11
Wand: Ash, 13 ½ inches, Dragon Heartstring

List of classes for current year:
Ancient Runes
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

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