china! zombies! but not zombies in china. not yet, anyhow.

Sep 07, 2010 16:34

As often happens during times of personal change, I am experiencing an overwhelming desire to chuck everything I possibly can and start over fresh and anew. This is the driving force behind Visionquest: Muskrit in China. (Ah ha ha--no, please, let's not call it that! I don't have a name for it yet, but I probably should find one.) I am alternately thrilled and terrified at the prospect of spending a year teaching in China. I think most of the fear is associated with the teaching component, although I talked about it when I saw my dad a few weeks ago and he (a retired 5th grade teacher and one time consultant for the CT Department of Education's teacher assessment program) said he thought my straightforward style would be well-suited to teaching in China. I guess I'll find out when I get there.

Sort of related: remember when I said it was fine that Miyano Mamoru (who is currently touring in Japan but See Muskrit! See Muskrit be an adult! I'm not going because I am saving for China) got killed off in Highschool of the Dead, as I wouldn't have to watch it anymore? Well, I kept watching it. I think I'm obsessed with it. I came to the episode where they made it to the safety of Takagi's house, and I felt such enormous relief...but then I started thinking that if zombization is a metaphor for a certain kind of adulthood, those kids haven't actually made it to safety. So you can imagine my utter delight when they decided at the end of episode 10 to hold a meeting to decide whether to stay with the adults or to strike out on their own. Go, go!

Seriously, this might be my favorite show of the current season. I'm still trying to work out my feelings about Kuroshitsuji II. It's really well done, it's just making me feel uncomfortable. I mean, I know I claim to love fail!caretakers, but...well, that will be a post for another day.

It does point out how astonishing is my instinct for and simultaneous inability to recognize yandere characters. Because from Episode 1 of Kuroshitsuji II, I said I thought I liked Claud better than Sebastian. And of course who was I drawn to right away in Highschool of the Dead? That's right: Shidou-sensei. *headdesk* Are they actually going to show an orgy on the bus in the next episode? If they don't, muskrit can haz doujinshi nao?

~ crossposted from dreamwidth ~
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