muskrit's anti-vampire is officially broken

Oct 05, 2009 10:46

On Saturday, Neko and I watched Season 1 of True Blood. I had seen it last year when I was visiting my folks for Thanksgiving (my stepmom loves it), but it's always interesting to have a rewatch when you know what's coming.

Then on Sunday I started watching Season 2. I have two episodes to go (at 2:20 in the morning, I decided not to push through). I am on the verge of being sucked into the fandom, because with everything that's going on--and there is a hell of a lot!--all I can think about is Godric and Eric. I know people who have something of a kink for pairings in which one partner dies. I do not share this kink. Not at all. Not even a little bit. It was very worrisome when Godric was strangling that Soldier of the Holy Crap (or whatever they are called; hey, I said I was on the verge of being a fangirl, not a good fangirl) and the guy said, "Godric, it's me!" I was hoping I was just paranoid--but no, Godric really did want to die. The only thing that's making it okay is my belief that there must be huge quantities of pre-canon Godric/Eric out there. That, and Sookie's sex dreams about Eric are superhot.

~ crossposted from dreamwidth ~
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