kink memes updated

Aug 15, 2007 17:38

There's been no recent activity on the Ouran Kink Meme, but I've updated the index post for Gundam Wing.

♥ Gundam Wing has 101 stories and 54 open requests, so if you're looking for something to read or to write, check it out.

♥ Ouran has 65 stories and 32 open requests, which you can browse here.

As I was setting up a mirror for the kink memes at InsaneJournal, a slightly different way of doing it occurred to me: Instead of putting the memes in my own journal, there could be a comm called "kinkmemes" with separate posts for each fandom. I'd contact people who started kink memes in other fandoms to see if they'd like the responses archived there. It would make it a lot easier to browse different memes, if nothing else. Any thoughts?

kink meme

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