Nov 06, 2005 22:06
I think everyone from Flowers needs to hear what Michael Arbit has to say about our show.
This is a kid that I hadn't spoken to in at least six years, and we just got back in contact, and I told him what the show was and that I was doing lighting and Alex was the lead and Sam was in it, too. And he took his Thursday night to come see our show, with a story he wasn't familiar with, involving only three kids he's distantly aquainted with. And he adored it.
right after the show:
thechicagoan: loved it loved it loved it still crying loved it loved it need sleep.
this evening:
thechicagoan: i was stunned
thechicagoan: completely
thechicagoan: i LOVED it
thechicagoan: and wow.
thechicagoan: i could say wow over and over and over
thechicagoan: and it still would not be enough
thechicagoan: alex was phenomenal.
thechicagoan: absolutely fantastic.
thechicagoan: but seriously
thechicagoan: wow.
thechicagoan: that play affected me more than most events in my entire life
My Names Jeanie: that's incredibly flattering, you have no idea
thechicagoan: :) i'm glad
thechicagoan: you all deserve it
thechicagoan: that story is so crushing
thechicagoan: and i saw the ending coming
thechicagoan: except i didn't know it would be the ending
thechicagoan: but yeah, i knew pretty early on what the title meant
thechicagoan: it was one of those things i knew was coming but didn't want to come
thechicagoan: and i totally did not get the implication that he would soon die
thechicagoan: sam had to tell me that one
thechicagoan: but i think i spoke about three words out loud the rest of thursday night
thechicagoan: and very quietly
thechicagoan: the line that will always get to me most was "i don't know what i did wrong"
thechicagoan: everything was done so perfectly
thechicagoan: whoever had the idea of having his line about going back to miss kinnian's class at the end be from offstage and in the dark was a genius.
thechicagoan: it was just all so overpowering
thechicagoan: and the simon and garfunkel music pre-show and during intermission
thechicagoan: culminating in the boxer at the finale
thechicagoan: oh man.
thechicagoan: it was too much
thechicagoan: and that made it absolutely perfect
thechicagoan: overwhelming emotion
thechicagoan: i wish i'd stood up and cheered for alex
thechicagoan: but i was still too stunned to really be aware of what was going on
thechicagoan: sigh, i could go on and on
thechicagoan: science can go fuck itself.
thechicagoan: the saddest thing is that nemur will probably not change
thechicagoan: he never considered charlie a human life
thechicagoan: oh and the symbolism!!!!
thechicagoan: i loved the original yellow journal
thechicagoan: with him throughout, just like his former self
thechicagoan: and the first time he went back to the typewriter after the tape recorder
thechicagoan: i was just like
thechicagoan: oh shit, it's happening.
thechicagoan: it makes you wonder about so many things
thechicagoan: why do people need to feel even more superior to someone they're already superior to?
thechicagoan: and WHY WAS ALICE SUCH A FOOL
thechicagoan: and why does god make people retarded
thechicagoan: and why does he give charlie such a terrible mother
thechicagoan: and what's the point of tearing apart a family's life forever
thechicagoan: and of course the moral of the story
thechicagoan: is it better to be happily ignorant, or to experience a moment of enlightenment before descending back into darkness?
thechicagoan: but what really made his descent go further than the point he started at was his relationships
thechicagoan: except for the whole brain tissue collapsing --> death thing, he would probably have ended up right where he started
thechicagoan: except for miss kinnian
thechicagoan: that's what made him to go warren
thechicagoan: that's what ended it
thechicagoan: it was nothing he did, just like he said
thechicagoan: he did nothing wrong
thechicagoan: it was just what happened with other people
thechicagoan: hmm
thechicagoan: i just noticed something
thechicagoan: so
thechicagoan: who we are defines us
thechicagoan: obviously, i suppose
thechicagoan: charlie could never escape his former self because it was him all along
thechicagoan: but
thechicagoan: other people define how our life goes
thechicagoan: what causes charlie all these problems?
thechicagoan: memories of his family
thechicagoan: realizations about his "friends"
thechicagoan: his relationship with alice
thechicagoan: that sucks.
thechicagoan: other people determine the course of our lives
thechicagoan: not entirely, but they play a major role
thechicagoan: why charlie, damnit
thechicagoan: he didn't do anything wrong
thechicagoan: and you know
thechicagoan: alice will find out about his death
thechicagoan: and know it's because of the operation
thechicagoan: which she recommended him for
thechicagoan: so now we've messed up how many people's lives?
thechicagoan: charlie, algernon, two doctors, alice, three family members
thechicagoan: praise the fucking lord.
thechicagoan: DAMNIT.
thechicagoan: all this emotion is flooding back
thechicagoan: it's just not an easy thing to accept
THIS is why I do theatre.