Oct 27, 2005 22:18
Very few things piss me off. But this is really getting to me.
Okay, so what the bloody hell is up with cast excluding the crew for paper plates. Like, literally, we've been discussing this for the past 2 years, at least. "Hey, you know, when we're seniors, we're totally gonna do all the paper plates together. They'd be so much more awesome that way cuz we're all so close, and we share all the jokes anyway." I was really pissed when I heard this from Jim today. It sucks when cast and crew are separated, and I've always advocated for everyone involved in the shows to be united. Just like how we need to do plates with the pit for musicals cuz they always get left out. Last year, when the Songs cast and pit did plates together, it was amazing, and everyone was like, wow, we need to do that for every show. So what the fuck happened, guys? And, to add to that, if I hadn't had this conversation with Jim (and Mr. Graham, btw) I probably would've shown up on Tuesday with a handful of plates and some magic markers ready to go. What then? Would I be turned away at the door? Answer me that.
Crew and cast should not be split, there's no logic to it. Not at this point. It's not like anyone would be imposing on your "turf". All paper plates comes down to is we're all doing the same show, we're all telling funny stories, and then someone says "Hey, I've got an idea!" It doesn't matter who says it or who it's for. It's all for the sake of comedy and avoiding giving people we-couldn't-think-of-anything plates. Making paper plates the best and funniest and most entertaining that they can possibly be, that's all I'm asking. C'mon.