Title: A swathe of storms
Rating: R
Pairing: ASkars/SSands
Word Count: 4.272
Disclaimer: Alright, so. If you found this comm or this post in particular by googling yourself-- you see that little X in the upper right corner? CLICK IT. And never return, please. Now go.
That said, no copyright-infringement intended; none of the characters used in this story are mine and I do not claim to own them.
Summary: It starts on a Tuesday afternoon.
Alex says something ridiculous, something that’s meant to brighten up the mood (now that over a week’s passed, he doesn’t even remember what it was), and everything goes downhill from there.
Author's Note: Yes, this is RPF, I admit. The song that inspired me to write this would be 'One week' by the Barenaked Ladies; it's a really awesome song. Once again, a huge thank-you goes to my darling
aboutademongirl for taking the time to beta this and straightening out everything that sounded wrong. ♥