Feb 15, 2009 15:00
- 16:11 @ miniminkie that band is AMAZING. i want to go see them live some time. <3 #
- 18:34 hate it when people don't reply to messages i sent them. twats. +shakes fist+ also, wtf bad written fiction. where are all the commas at? oO #
- 18:46 @ feefeenah oh, i texted that one guy, and even though he was online, he didn't write back. I HATE THATTTT. +grumbles+ #
- 18:46 @ feefeenah on that note, i've never had anybody to celebrate v-day with, so the only thing that bothers me is that i don't get flowers. xD #
- 18:54 @ feefeenah LOL this is, like, the third time today he's been online- after i'd written the message. ugh. MEN. #
- 21:23 the angel on your stairs will tell you i was there, on this here night. i've been sitting, watching life pass from the side lines. #
- 12:02 UGH. i HATE having food forced upon me. no, i DON'T want to try it. it looks yucky. and i don't care if it's healthy. +grumble+ #
- 12:47 @ hwy some meat [pig if i'm not mistaken] and UGH, i never liked that one. but since i'm a good girl, i tried it. didn't like it though. lulz #
- 13:05 @ hwy I KNOW. can't get rid of the taste in my mouth. 'm thinking it might even be worse than cock [lord knows i have no experience there xD] #
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