Well. The slag has hit the fan. Re: to all mechs::unhackable::

Sep 14, 2007 03:35

*has been in the med bay [[or we shall pretend he has been, for lack of updates,]] getting the bugs in his scrambled circuits fixed, (his optics were still glitching,) but has been tryin' to keep up on the news*

...Well guys.  This kinda sucks more then it did a few days ago.

These humans are more resourceful and...unfortunately, just plain cruel, then we gave 'em credit for.  *shakes head*  I know, I know - they ain't all like that.  We got our allies to prove that.  And besides, a race that can come up with such good music can't be all bad.  *wry smirk*

But still - I'm sorry guys, I shoulda been more prepared myself.   I know Prowl has already gone and angsted everybody out, but I felt I should say my piece.  We - I shoulda got more intel on the sitch' before headin'  in.  But ah frag, man; too late for that kinda whinin' now.

But after last nights ambush on Fireflight, it looks like gettin' crappy intel has become a norm.  That, or the humans just have too much good intel on their side, somehow...

Hope ya get to feelin' better soon, kid.

Anyway.  I'll be poking my processor around and tryin' to find some better information we can use.  Maybe try to help narrow down some of those choices we got.

In the mean time, we need to try and chill a bit, if we can.  Not lettin' our guards down, o' course; and I ain't gonna be slackin' on what needs ta be done; but there needs to be some relaxin' around here before we go and fry our processors.  I can tell the stress levels around here are gettin' kinda...tense.

That bein' said....

Thundercracker:  You n' me - we need to hang, man.  And you still owe me some music.

Prowl: Hey, sweets, how ya doin'?  Ya should be over this by guilt-trip by now (or at least ya had better be!) but still.  It wasn't no reason to beat yourself up over it.  'Least, not any more 'n me.  *snorts*  Anyway, babe, after that last bit o' slag, I think you n' me need some time to chat.  Relax together.  Let the music do the talkin'.  Ride around a bit - I've missed the feel of the road under my wheels.  And ya know I love a good race with ya.  Ya get my drift?  We'll help each other feel better. *wink*

snafu, attack, fubar, chill

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