What the frag, man? (Re: General to All; To Prime; To Prowl)

Sep 08, 2007 18:32

Wow.  Um, yeah, okay.  Seems like everyone is droppin' their faction sigils like they're on fire or somethin', man.  Geez.

So.  Basically, the war is good 'n over?  New factions are croppin' up like turboflies at a 20-mech alt-mode pile-up?  And the humans are shootin' any mech they can get sights on right up the aft?

SRSLY, man.  What.  The.  Frag.

. ( Read more... )

war, peace, loyalty

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prowling_around September 8 2007, 22:51:23 UTC
Yes, I've heard about all of it unfortunately. I have no intention of going anywhere or changing factions. I agree; my loyalty will not fail just because of that revelation. I understand that fully, Jazz. I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of that image either.

My unfortunate logic centers are not completely overloaded, luckily, but the same goes for you. If you decide, at any point to change factions, I'm here for you, too.


thejazzmeister September 9 2007, 18:34:58 UTC
Good babe; I'm glad we're on the same wavelength here. *smirk* You 'n me will be stickin' with Prime then, huh. Good. It's been so slaggin' long, I don't think I'd feel right without my 'Bot sigil still attached to me.

Now you and me need t' get together on this recon gig Prime's got runnin', and find out what's goin' down with the humans targeting mechs.

And aww, baby, your poor logic centers... *carefully caresses red forehead chevron* I'll help ya feel better soon, sweets. Promise. *wink*


prowling_around September 9 2007, 18:42:53 UTC
*smirk* Yes, we're both sticking with Prime.

I agree. We need to find out what's going on.

Indeed. I'm looking forward to it.

[[OOC: You know, if I had a dime for each time any of us put *smirk,* I'd probably be rich by now. I was just noticing how many posts have that. Also, when do we actually start our plot thing (in other words, do we have a time frame in which each of the characters is going to get whacked, so to speak?)? Or do you know?]]


thejazzmeister September 9 2007, 19:02:01 UTC
Heh. Come on now, babe - you're the tactician. Where's your plan of action? Logic centers fried more then ya thought, huh? D:

I don't know...I'm thinkin' we could head out to were they slagged Blackout and go from there. I would'a suggested we go right to that Area 51 place, but I think Blackout left them a present...

Aw, baby, as much as I would love to put pleasure before work...

[[OOC: INDEED. And I could USE those dimes, too. D: And I don't know about the plot thing. We could both put up posts to Prime/the others and say were going out to find information, and anyone else who wants to come as well (ie, the ones on the "get slagged" list,) can pop in/ad-lib themselves in chat/post threads or where ever.]]


prowling_around September 9 2007, 19:11:46 UTC
Apparently they are. Well, obviously we need to find a way to sneak inside their facility. Perhaps there's an entrance where they took Blackout down. [[OOC: Is now tempted to draw fake blueprints to this "facility".]]

When we're done with our mission, we'll have plenty of time.

[[OOC: Yes, those dimes would be very useful, huh? Doing a post and having the action in the comments would probably be a better idea than a chat. For the chat we'd have to find sometime we'd all be online and be able to stay up as late as we need to, which will be hard for me Sunday night through Wednesday night because of classes. With the comments, it can be whenever anyone sees the post.]]


thejazzmeister September 9 2007, 19:27:16 UTC
Aw, Prowlie... *concerned*

Hrmmm. We need to find a way to not t' tip 'em off and end up like Blackout, ya mean. And we don't nessicarily need t' get inside; just get around their base and tap in to their systems and listen in... (Alternative coloration for camo and holoforms maybe?)

[[OOC: famous last words/foreshadowing! (And I'm not big on the holoform concept myself, but if its good for recon...) ...blueprints?! Please do! Draw away! *would love to see that! adds realism!* Its not the same place,but...I KNOW there is a Sector 7 site on the web that has sematics of the underground base on it...! *is TOTALLY including it in her Jazz-post like WHOA.* And YES. I would prefer to do it on the LJ format - more coherent, though I'm sure it'll end up on the chat somehow... :/]]


prowling_around September 9 2007, 19:38:08 UTC
My logic systems are currently trying to reboot themselves.

Unless they have some sort of jamming device that makes it so we can't tap into their systems. At least one person should go inside.

[[OOC: Foreshadowing is so fun. (I agree with that) Perhaps I will. I have some large graph paper that would work quite nicely to make them. Yeah, in the end, there'll at least be talk about it. Our part, however (READ: where Prowl gets it), can be on LJ.]]


thejazzmeister September 9 2007, 20:46:12 UTC
Damn, baby; and just when you need them most, huh? *pets*

*sighs unhappily* Yeah, we probably should prepare for that eventuality, at least... I still don't like it, though.

Fine. I'll alert Prime to my intentions, and I assume you'll do the same. I'll also alert him to some of the other...interesting devolpments i've discovered while trying to locate this place. It wouldn't be difficult to hack their manframe if I could simply find its location. However, I'm starting to think they have a independent, isolated computer system or I would have found them by now...

When do we leave?

[[OOC: SRLSY? Tonight? Or "tonight", as in now, but RP time? *confused self - REBOOT* and YES - DRAW PLZ :D ]]


prowling_around September 9 2007, 20:56:30 UTC
Yes. Of all the times that they're down, it's when there's something important.

I don't like it either, but it is essential that we do this.

Yes. We should alert Prime as soon as possible.

If that's the case, it could be extremely dangerous to try to hack into their system. If it's an independent, isolated system, they might be able to track it back to you, also.

We leave as soon as we can.

[[OOC: Umm...I suppose tonight as in now, and just say it's night. Yes, I will get started with the blueprints. Hopefully I can get it done pretty quickly and scan it in.]]


thejazzmeister September 9 2007, 21:22:44 UTC
Hrmm...why do I feel a tingle of forbodin' in that...

*waves hand disarmingly* Naw, its cool. They shouldn't be able to detect me from here. The only problem might be when we get there. If the humans have learned anything from Blackout's and Frenzy's first hacks, they'll be monitoring the systems for our signals. Right now I've just been hackin' in through a computer, human-style.

Alright, I'll get to my bit. *grabs and kisses throughly* See ya in a little while, babe. *wink*

[[OOC: Okays! andYAY, blueprints! That would be rather cool to add to your post.]]


prowling_around September 9 2007, 21:31:26 UTC
I'll be the one to worry about that. You don't need to.

Just make sure you're careful, Jazz.

*kiss back* Yeah.

[[OOC: :). That's the plan. It shouldn't take too long. Considering doing two-three floors for it]]


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