[milliways_bar] oom: a bit of spring cleaning in autumn.

Sep 11, 2007 17:53

He thought his flat mates would be perfectly capable of keeping everything neat and clean until at least the new year rolled around.

But Howard Moon was horribly mistaken.

For the first month or so after moving in, everyone had been doing a bang-up job of keeping their belongings in their own sleeping quarters.

And then both the sitting room and kitchen exploded with magical artifacts and frogs carelessly left about by the resident shaman and his gorilla of a familiar.

Random flashy accessories and wrinkled clothing, all forgotten by the King of the Mods, formed a trail that led down the hallway and toward Vince's quarters. His bedroom looked like an exact, yet much messier, copy of the Topshop he held most dear.

Howard never considered himself to be a neat freak, but he did fancy some organization in his life. That is exactly why he decided to plan a weekend filled with Spring Cleaning right at the start of Autumn. Being prepared and getting the job done early never hurt anyone, now did it?

"We've got to do something before the whole place turns to absolute crap," Howard said, brandishing a duster with one hand and using it to punctuate his point to his flat mates.

"Yeah, but do we have to wear frilly little aprons like you've got?" Vince chimed in from his spot on the sofa. "You look right ridiculous," he added, before lazily applying more lip gloss to his lips.

As Naboo and Bollo snorted and laughed amongst themselves, Howard shot his best mate a glare. "Me apron isn't frilly," he commented before looking down at himself.

Okay, maybe it was a bit on the frilly side. Just a bit. But that wouldn't get in his way.

"Look. Guys. Will it hurt to just help me out here? Stick to your rooms, clean out your closets, decide what you'll keep... It's not asking for much, really."

There was a collective groan from his flat mates, but Howard Moon would not be moved.

"You all don't want me to be the ones to clear out your closets..." Howard mumbled as he set off down the hall toward his own room. "I'll make sure nothing's left..."

Vince leapt up from the couch and made a beeline for his room, slamming the door shut behind him. The electro sounds of Gary Numan could be heard from his personal stereo moments later.

Naboo, on the other hand, wasn't quick to leave the sitting room. He kept on occupying himself with his hand-held video game instead. "I'll do it later," he called after Howard. "You know better than to go snooping around my things. 'Sides, Bollo's got a gig later. Support an' all that."

Howard did know better than to snoop around the tiny shaman's belongings. From personal experience, he knew that going behind Naboo's back and summoning evil nanas (or winding up as Vince's personal slave valet on the planet Xooberon) did not equal fun.

When Naboo and his familiar left for the club, Howard decided to take a break from cleaning his room (which had been going quite well) before casually approaching the small opium den known as the shaman's headquarters.

It was noticeably cleaner (most likely thanks to some shaman magic), but the closet door couldn't close due to all of the mystical items pouring out from inside. Howard opened the door slowly, but was quickly attacked by an avalanche of belongings. He cursed loudly, Vince not hearing due to Gary Numan, but recomposed himself before crawling inside.

He didn't think the closets in their flat were that large... or tunnel-like... but Howard kept crawling.

And then he wound up somewhere completely unexpected.
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