Aug 09, 2006 14:43
Hickman and I have figured it out...
FSU Sports Guru: but u missed understood
FSU Sports Guru: coincidence, cuz i needed a girl to blame
FSU Sports Guru: she sabatoged my car
TheJawa85: hahaa
FSU Sports Guru: or somethin
FSU Sports Guru: so it was her fault
TheJawa85: fucking women
FSU Sports Guru: when u think about it everything that goes wrong can be traced back to a woman
TheJawa85: 90% of the time its a direct relation
FSU Sports Guru: osama's deep seeded hatred probably can be traced to him gettin fucked over by an american woman or any woman
FSU Sports Guru: led him to terrorism
FSU Sports Guru: which led to 9/11
FSU Sports Guru: see
TheJawa85: i bet Fidel's woman didnt give him head and his heart started to fail
FSU Sports Guru: haha
FSU Sports Guru: yes
TheJawa85: and Clinton, thats too easy to figure out
FSU Sports Guru: haha yea
FSU Sports Guru: slut!
TheJawa85: so we've figured it all out, women are the root of all the worlds problems
FSU Sports Guru: yea
FSU Sports Guru: this must be researched further
TheJawa85: indeed
FSU Sports Guru: but why stop there
FSU Sports Guru: instead of blaming one woman for everytihn that goes wrong...
FSU Sports Guru: just blame all of them
TheJawa85: yep
FSU Sports Guru: what else can we blame them for?
FSU Sports Guru: the korean war?
FSU Sports Guru: the iraq mess
TheJawa85: Kim Jong Il is so short that all women think his penis is small, so he cant get laid
TheJawa85: so hes a stuck up prick
FSU Sports Guru: similar to knapp
FSU Sports Guru: haha
TheJawa85: lol
TheJawa85: some Shieite bitch musta cheated on Saddam one day
TheJawa85: so that led to his reign of terror
FSU Sports Guru: yea
FSU Sports Guru: somethin bout her stripping for someone else
FSU Sports Guru: so he made all woman wear those full body clothing
TheJawa85: and always walk behind the men
FSU Sports Guru: yea
FSU Sports Guru: maybe he wasnt a dictator.... maybe he was on to something
FSU Sports Guru: hahaha
TheJawa85: HAHA