Oct 27, 2010 00:16
Sometimes Pagans make me very sad. Sometimes robbing each other in "classes". (Remember, my children, for only the low low price of $99.99 you too can be saved. Now reach deep into your pockets and show your faith)
Other times just hiding in the shadows. In the shadows is ignorance, ignorance spreads fear, fear begets anger, anger becomes hate, hate becomes violence. And we become lost. (mmmm, yes)
"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will" is not so simple as it sounds.
Some Pagans say the shadows is like a warm blanket that protects them.
And I wonder if they really are Pagan or if they just want to be on the outside unchallenged. I get the feeling a wrongness with certain things, but that is the time to be open and discuss or fall into the shadows of ignorance. Through open discussion we only gain. When we feel the need to hide from others are we truly walking the path or just standing at the trail head scared rather than enthralled by what we might see on the journey.
Any way just late night thoughts to think on.