Jul 05, 2009 01:07
i know most of what i post is not a big happy, but this is where i go to vent. some might ask why well it because i have no where else to go.
tonight its just more of the same BS i deal with all the fraking time. but lets get a little more fine tuned. IF YOU ARE AFAID STAY THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD. I don't care if the is car or bike or fraking go fraking cart just do it. no amount of BS will save you if you F'up so fraking deal. I don't want to here how this or that makes you feel safer, if you want to lie to your self then fine. But DON'T lie to other people just because you feel one report is better than the other or your a F'ing freak job ( (most of us know who we are, the rest are going to heaven) and you lot can F off)
so to get to the heart of the matter no amount of safty features will save you from being a A' hole and dead is dead no matter what reject with a BA or BS (haha BS) tells you. Lets strat with car safty , if you hit a tree at 100 mph your F'ing dead. the air bags worked you were just to dumb to not be a A'hole( please let it just be you) if your on a motorcycle and your over 35 mph and in the real world and you F'up your freak dead. suck it up and don't tell people to wast money on hi end TRACK gear. if you don't feel safe with out it don't block the streets being a retart. the Medic really hate motorcycles as it is with out some yuppy in a full set of gear dieing because they felt safe in their retard gear. Now I'm not saying not to buy said stuff just don't think you be any less dead. there is alot of pain that can be saved with this crap. but it comes down to 9 times out of 10 both party F'ed up, and some one is hosed., car or Motorcycle, with or with out gear(funny its seam its always the A'hole in\on the POS, with out gear that if fine while good people die) any way what most of this crap comes down to is if you don't feel you coud drive naked and invisable stay the Fuck off the roads. Thinking that armor or the Frame of a car might save you mean your going to kill some one, some day. and whats worse is it might not be you, but some one you care about.