Jun 23, 2009 21:17
I have to say this is not a great game, really its just ok. I can't even call it good just ok.
the upgrade path is super slow, you can have units or upgrades, the units don't seem to recover, and its just way to dam fast.(like 20min games)
oh, and this teaming up with steam BS is a freaking night mare. You go buy the game then you load it... if you have steam installed...
so it looks like it loads, and your thinking WOOT i get to play my new game .... and then steam says FU buddy you will play at my wim baa haa haa. so 45 min after i "loaded" the game from disk i get to try it ...and while pretty, the first one was a better game.
I sure i'm just all red rubber ears ... right now but i really wish i would have waited for it to hit the 20 buck zone.
wasted money