Mar 07, 2005 01:22
Gosh Dang-it! I love working at Creation! I got my lip pierced in the middle on Saturday...last minute decision.(Wrist piercings are looking good) I decided i didn't want the vertical lanret anymore....I never wore jewelery in it anyway. I've been painting alot lately....I have a huge Beatles theme painting I'll be starting soon....I just have to buy the canvas to stretch....I want it to be like 6 or 7 feet wide and 4 or 5 feet tall. I got my idea from the song 'Lucy in the sky with Diamonds' off the "Seargent Pepper and the Lonely Hearts Club Band" CD So awesome! I have decided the theme of my sleeves will be the'll be exciting. Anyways....I'm gonna goI highly dislike computers. *shudder*