My fortune, told by Vlad

Sep 13, 2002 02:45

Shiwankazu: First card: Six of Wands, reversed: Doubt, pessimism, creative blocks, a need to believe more strongly in yourself and in your capabilities.
Shiwankazu: Card two: Queen of Wands: Wonderment, joy, someone with a deep sense of the astonishment of life.
Shiwankazu: Card three: Four of Swords, reversed: Becoming more involved. Taking action. Information that prompts someone to do something.
Shiwankazu: Card four: Two of Wands: Control, dominion, power, focused will. The ability to act in the world.
Shiwankazu: Card five: Seven of Pentacles, reversed: Holding back from committing yourself to something. Hard work, but without satisfaction.
Shiwankazu: Hmm. Out of habit, I cut the deck after the draw and looked at the card as sort of the "state" card: The Lovers, reversed: Difficulties in relationships. Opposition between people. The need to rebel against parents or society.


Bring it.

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