Oct 05, 2005 17:46
love danni hes the only one fer me!!!!! so feck yew alex!!!, meh... im mean.. lol i dont love yew and im so tired of dealin with being around yew and all... i love danni so meh XP!!! everyones gonna hate me but danni yer the one fer chii and i didnt mean to call yew hideki todae!!! ^.^ lol whoopsie.... alex... i cant stand yew anymore... yew always try to plan out my life with all the marraige talk and shit... and everytime im around yew all i can think about is danni and yew grab my ass or my tits and it pisses me off so much i want to just smack yew... yew make me cuddle with yew or kiss yew and wont let me pull away yew want to keep me forever by yer side when it just made me want to pull away from yew even more... and i hate saying i love yew... cuz im lying and then i just talk to danni on the phone and it makes me feel like im a horrible person fer not being able to break up with yew and now i am and it feels so damn gud... EVERYONE OUT THERE CAN FUCKING HATE ME FER SAYIN THIS BUT I DONT CARE!!!! ive grown to hate yew alex and i cant stand being near yew im sorreh things went this way but after we started going back out i still talked to danni on the phone cuz hes the best person to talk, better than yew of course, yew just sit there and i try to start up a conversation with yew but yew never even hear me anyways... anyways... i started to realize i loved danni about 2 weeks ago and ive wanted to break up with yew since but i just culdent cuz im a big wuss and all that crap... danni if yer reading this i love ya and now i can b with yew and only yew im sorreh to have made yew wait fer so long...
so now there shuld b a huge list of peeple hew hate meh but i love danni and im so tired of the way alex treats me and i just wanted to break up with him but i culdnt <---that seems so long ago,but it wasnt....Kelsey,i want you to read this....its what you said...