Baby, you had me at "Blink 182"

Oct 05, 2012 23:49

Title: Baby, you had me at "Blink 182"
Author: thejalexscene
Pairing: jalex
Disclaimer: I don't own jalex ok, they own me
Dedications: My sister Rachel just because.
Author Notes: This is my first fic so please comment and let me know what you think because I'm the new kid and it would make me crazy happy.

To wake up with a longing in his chest was a normal occurrence for Alex Gaskarth. That was,of course, until he met Jack Barakat.

It was the summer of '05 and as usual, Alex awoke with the familiar feeling haunting his chest. He checked the time through his lazy eyes and winced as his digital clock bared the time 08:55. Knowing his mother was due to barge into his room and demand that he began to get ready for the wedding any minute, Alex unwilling began to drag himself out of his bed.

Get ready for who's wedding? Alex had no idea, one of his mother's college friend's daughter or something so why he was being forced to go was beyond him.

The shower allowed Alex to delay time a little and he wanted to do as much delaying as possible because he fucking hated weddings. They were just so boring and they went on for so long and they were always completely over flowing with loved up couples making him that much more aware of his single status.

Alex's fucking nightmare.

The final button done up on his shirt, the final hair sprayed into place and the final squirt of aftershave sprayed, Alex looked at himself and winced. Even with every little thing about his appearance perfected, the haunting look of loneliness was still present his eyes. The adolescent boy let out a sigh and wished that today of all days, he would finally find someone to cure his constant urge for love, for someone to eventually appreciate him from the inside-out.

At the age of 18, Alex had never been in a serious relationship,  but he had been around his friend's relationships enough to witness the happiness and adoration love brought, and he yearned for it. If his friends all have partners why doesn't Alex, you may wonder. But his friends have it easy, they are all straight and Alex himself is about as straight as a fucking circle and is yet to find another circle-shaped someone to perfectly slot into his life.

After being showered in compliments from his mother about what a handsome young man he had blossomed into and being pulled into a "man hug" from his father, finally the Gaskarths were en-route to the wedding. The location was a hotel not too far out of town so they arrived fairly quickly and Alex and his father were quickly ushered into the hall where the vows would take place, by his mother.

As the wait for the bride droned on and on, Alex became aware that although his mother had assured there would be lots of other kids his age present, there was only one.

But Alex wasn't complaining, in fact he was far from it.

The guy Alex had just laid eyes upon was a god damn dream. He seemed to be around the age of 18, his dark hair shimmering in the sunlight and his streaks of blonde perfectly messed. His skin wore an even tan, his eyes were a mysterious brown and his smile gave Alex butterflies.

And his body? Holy shit, Alex didn't even know where to start.

His slender legs were clothed in a pair of black trousers that were just that little bit too tight hugging his ass in a way that should be illegal and his slim torso was covered by a white button up shirt that was just that little bit too short, leaving a beautiful patch of skin near his hip bone undressed, for Alex to feast his eyes upon.

That was Alex's entertainment for the wedding service sorted then, he would be quite content just drooling over this mystery boy.

The wedding began and Alex stood when he had to and clapped when it was necessary but his eyes never left the dark-haired boy the whole time. For Alex's mother to not pick up on her son's infatuation would have been impossible and she smiled to herself, assigning herself as cupid for the day.

The wedding service finished and Alex's mother watched in amusement as her son's face fell when the boy his eyes had been glued to, fled the room. She guided her son and husband into the room where the wedding meal and reception would be held and went in search of her friend and mother of the bride, Joy.

"Isobel, you made it!" Joyce cooed as her college friend approached her.

The best friend's conversation soon turned their son's and Isobel stifled a giggle.

"What are you giggling at?" Joyce questioned, straightening her violet dress absent-mindedly.

"Well," Isobel began "I think it appears the my son Alex may have developed a little crush on your son Jack", she announced, chuckling fondly.

"Is that so?" Joyce laughed, "Well, what are we waiting for? Lets introduce them" an amused glint present in her eyes.

The two ladies entered the hall, giggling like teenagers and went to fetch both of their adolescent sons.

Alex had been making small talk with strangers for what seemed like hours before his mother finally came to save him.

"Sorry, I have to go see what my mother wants" Alex apologised to the elderly women in front of him and practically sprinted away, thankful to have been rescued from yet another ten minutes of facts about Frank Sinatra.

As Alex approached his mother he couldn't help but notice the smirk that was gracing her face as her eyes focused on what was in front of her. Curiosity got the better of Alex and he turned to see what his mother's eyes were focused on and  his eyes were met with the guy he hadn't been able to get off his mind all afternoon.

Shit.  What was his mother up to?

As he was dragged closer and closer to the table at which the boy of his fucking dream's was sitting, the blush covering Alex's cheeks increased and increased. After what felt like a lifetime of  embarrassment and confusion of his mother's motive, they had reached the table.

"Oh Joyce, fancy seeing you here" Alex's mother said with an over-exaggerated stage wink which added to Alex's confusion even more.

At Isobel's English accent, the beautiful boy looked up from the table and looked Alex dead in the eye, before running his eyes over Alex's body, his gaze lingering for half a second. Sharing eye contact with a boy of such perfection had Alex choke on air and immediately avert his eyes to the floor, once again.

Joyce just plastered and over-happy smile on her face and spoke in a cheery tone. "Oh, hello Isobel."

Jack and Alex both looked at their mothers wearily as if trying to figure out what they were up to but their minds didn't have time to figure out the puzzle before Isobel spoke once again.

"Alex", she began, and said boy took a gulp of water whilst nodding hesitantly, "I don't believe you and Joyce's son Jack have met, he's gay, just like you!"

And if Alex thought he was embarrassed before, he was mortified now as he began to choke on his mouthful of water, looking at his mother in disbelief and managed to splutter out a weak exclamation of "Wh-what?"

Isobel patted her song lightly on the back, easing his coughing before simply stating "What do you mean what? I was just letting you know, I thought you would be happy, you have practically been drooling over him all afternoon, after all!"

Oh god, oh god oh god. Was this "embarrass Alex day or something"? Isobel's son looked at her in shock and she couldn't help but laugh, before whispering to Joyce that their work was done and they better leave them to it.

The two giggling mothers walked away arm, and Alex dared to look up at his definition of perfection, preparing himself for the worst. But instead of laughing at him with pity painting his features, Jack was smiling at him and damn the things that smile did to Alex. Jack, motioned for Alex, the guy that was his definition of perfection, to sit next to him and intertwined their fingers before starting a conversation the only way he knew how.

"So, do you like Blink 182?"

With those words, the longing in Alex's chest was replaced with love and adoration and everything he yearned for, and the rest was history.

jalex, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, pg-13
