To Infinity and Beyond.

Jan 01, 2002 11:29

Have you heard about taking a thousand steps to reach heaven? Sure, heaven seems so out of place from reach. People thinks that it's a fantasy. No, it's an extension of fantasy which crawls back to the reality we live in. It's another form of future that most people failed to look at, including me.

Heaven is the infinite sky, which stretches above the horizon endlessly without end. It is white and pure. Innocent, like a newborn baby. Free from impurities, sinners and scorned devils. Heaven is hope itself, for humans who long for the eternity. For humans who deserve eternal happiness, who took a thousand steps of good and left the bad. Heaven is an ultimate expression of love from God to us in the afterworld.

It is not forever, the ground that we're stepping on. As earth is where the stepping stones are at, for us to collect the good and repent from the bad. Therefore, here I am. I'm still running, moving on from every single mistake I've done all these 18 years. I keep running, I keep my principles in my pocket (which are still under construction) but most of all, I want to keep Allah and Muhammad in my body and soul, to infinity and beyond. I want to be alive and reborn once more as a better person with those two in my heart and never forget the eternity. :)
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