TITLE: Wild Romance
AUTHOR: TheJadeSabre923
PAIRINGS: Kurt/Blaine
RATING: PG-13, for sexual innuendo
GENRE: Humor, Family, Romance
LENGTH: One-Shot
SUMMARY: Future Fic! Blaine and Kurt are on their way to drop their twelve year old daughter to summer camp and Blaine couldn't be more excited.
A/N: So I just bought tickets to the opening weekend of Rated P.... For Parenthood, a new off-Broadway musical which opens at the end of February, and not just because of my crush on Joanna Young. Some of the music was posted on their website and its halarious. This was based off of the song Wild Romance which you can listen to
"Summer camp means wild romance for my sweetheart and me."
Blaine Hummel just as excited for Ellie to go to The Farm Arts Camp as she was. It was Ellie's third year attending the arts camp in Northeast Pennsylvania and this was the first year her fathers had allowed her to attend for the entire eight weeks. Ellie loved the camp because of the 18 hour a day access to the ceramics studio and the horseback riding. Kurt approved of the local, organic food and non-competitive, self-directed philosophy. And Blaine, well the part of The Farm Arts Camp that he really liked had a lot to do with their residential facilities.
"So did you get my text?" Blaine whispered to Kurt.
"I did," Kurt whispered back with exasperation, not taking his eyes off the road.
"And?" he replied, waggling his eyebrows.
"Ellie is in the back seat, Blaine!" said Kurt, keeping his voice low. "Keep it in your pants!"
Yes, the best thing about summer camp for Blaine was that their Upper East Side brownstone would be a kid-free zone for two months. They were so going to do it tonight.
He and Kurt had been married for eighteen years, the summer after Blaine had graduated from Fordum. The first few years of their marriage were rough, particularly financially; Blaine started a Ph.D program in Social Work that fall at NYU and Kurt was and L2 student at Columbia. They quickly discovered that being married and having a roommate sucked. However, upon graduation, Kurt was hired by one of the most prestigious law firms in New York City. Quickly, he became one of the best corporate lawyers in the city. Blaine was currently working as a pediatric medical social worker at Mercy General.
After moving out of their shared Brooklyn apartment and into a more spacious loft, he and Kurt had discussed adoption. Six years after they were married, three month old Ellie had been placed with them. Ellie quickly became the most important person in either of their lives (bar each other). However, as Ellie grew, their sex life began to suffer.
It's not like they lost their drive, far from it; Blaine was just as hot for Kurt now as he was in high school. In fact out of all of their friends from McKinley High, only Santana and her girlfriend, a movie producer out in Hollywood, were had more sex than he and Kurt, including Puck of all people. Of course the only reason Blaine knew this is because Santana took great pride in slamming Pepper Schwartz whenever they talked. Last month Santana had gleefully informed him via email that she and Ami had had sex every night for the past three weeks.
Still, having sex as parents was not easy. In fact, it was a lot like having sex as a teenager. Their sex life revolved around Ellie's schedule; when was she at a friends house, when was she home, when could they arrange a sleepover for her!!!! Blaine and Kurt had become big fans of quick, lunch break nooners. There was a reason Blaine had taken Ellie's side when she wanted to go to camp for eight weeks this summer instead of four.
"What are you guys talking about?"
Kurt made eye contact with Ellie in the rear view mirror, replying sweetly, "How much we'll miss you. Eight weeks is a long time for Papa and I to be apart from you."
With Ellie away for the summer, Blaine was going to have easy access to Kurt. The two of them rarely had time for penatrative sex anymore between Ellie's spastic schedule, Blaine's rotations, and Kurt's court appearances. While they still had work, the thought of uninhibited sex at night was exhilarating. The joys of parenthood. Besides, he and Kurt had plans to take a week long vacation to Quebec at this adorable inn in July and didn't expect to see the outside of their suite anytime before noon.
"Camp is fun for you, but Papa and I aren't used to being alone in the house for long periods of time. It will be lonely for us."
"If by lonely," said Blaine slyly to Kurt, "You mean awesom---"
"AWFUL," quipped Kurt loudly. "It's awful without you."
The best thing though was that any sex was going to be much more relaxed and uninhibited. Kurt was paranoid that Ellie was going to walk in on them having sex. A fear, Kurt often reminded him, that was not unfounded. But it wasn't as if their daughter remembered walking in on Blaine going down on Kurt; she was barely two! Now when they had sex, Kurt would tense at any little sound and refused to let Blaine make any of his own. When Blaine had suggested using a gag, Kurt barely spoke to him for the rest of the week.
"Will you send me care packages, Dad, Papa?" asked Ellie.
"Of course, honey," said Kurt, as the followed the Susquehanna River along Route 6. "It's a tradition for us while your at camp."
"I got your care package right her," flirted Blaine quietly, subtly spreading his legs.
"What Papa?"
"He said we-we have your care package right here," stammered Kurt, voice getting higher. He shot Blaine a look, shaking his head slightly to try to stop him. Blaine winked shamelessly. "It's a surprise. We're gonna mail it today so you'll get it by the end of the week."
"Really? That's awesome. Thanks, Dad!"
Blaine was looking forward to going out at night to a dance club or something. Kurt's club-wear, hidden in garment bags at the back of their closet, was fabulous and was the right mix of leather, sheer, and couture to get his heart racing. Like his high school wardrobe, Kurt wore things that no 40 year old should normally wear. But due to his fastidiousness moisturizer routine, meticulous diet, and the company gym, those outfit did not look out of place on him - even the sheer back black McQueen tank that Kurt had bought his freshman year at NYU. A shallow part of Blaine was secretly thrilled that Kurt still fit into the same clothes he did when he was twenty. Not like he would wear most of them; I rarely wear things from two seasons ago, let alone two decades ago, Kurt shrieked the last time he had mentioned it. But Blaine had been still been the winner of that argument; Kurt had begrudgingly let Blaine fuck him with the bondage pants which he had worn when spying on the Warblers around his ankles.
"What are you looking forward to the most at camp, Ellie? Besides the ceramic studio and the horseback riding, of course?" inquired Kurt, as they made the final turn of the three hour journey.
"Well, I really liked foot-long wieners they serve at the Sunday picnics. We never have them at home so it such a treat."
"I've got your foot-long wiener rig-"
"WE'RE HERE," exclaimed Kurt, roughly shifting into park. "Oh God, we are here! Out of the car, everyone out of the car."
Blaine helped Ellie grab her foot locker and bedding, while Kurt checked her in. Yes, he was going to miss Ellie this summer, but at the same time he wondered how soon he and Kurt could put that condom and lube that was in his back pocket to use. After loading Ellie's things on the truck that would bring them to her cabin, he and Kurt turned to Ellie to say good-bye.
"I'll miss you," said Kurt, hugging his daughter tightly. "Don't forget to write us."
"I won't Daddy," she replied, before embracing Blaine. "Papa, it's four weeks until parents weekend; are you and Dad going to be alright?"
"We'll have to figure out a way to get busy," said Blaine, letting her go.
"Ok, well I see Isabella and Emma from last summer. We're in the same cabin again this year," said Ellie, before scampering off to see her old camp buddy. Turning, she quickly added, "Don't forget to take care of Marcus, alright?"
With that she was off.
"Oh, I'll take care of the cat alright."
"That's a bit of a stretch, Blaine," said Kurt softly in his ear. "Besides, that innuendo would work so much better if I didn't have a dick." To their daughter, he called out, "Bye, Ellie, we love you."
"Yeah," added Blaine, "And kick butt at color war."
After Ellie and her friends rounded the bend and were out of sight, Kurt turned to his husband. "Blaine."
"Yes, Kurt?"
"There was no clean laundry this morning."
"You're not wearing any underwear, are you?"
Kurt gave him a little smirk before turning to head back to the car. Blaine found himself staring at his husband's ass as he walked by. I'm gonna get some!