Jumping on the bandwagon and filling one of these out just like everyone else. So, here are twenty things you may not know about Akabane!
1. Akabane is a very mysterious man, and in truth not many people know anything about him. After one of his jobs, his comrad Maguruma stated that he had been working with Akabane for quite some time, and still didn't understand or really know much about him at all.
2. Although dressed very professionally and looking quite neat, Akabane never has cleaned up after himself, even when on his jobs where he ends up killing dozens of people.
3. He wears his over-sized hat almost all the time, which is understandable since he has rather bad hat-hair.
4. The only weapons he uses come from his own body. He's had dozens upon dozens of scalpels (108 to be exact) implanted into his body, and he's able to call them out from under his skin at will. Akabane is also able to use his own blood in order to create weapons, such as his 'Bloody Sword'.
5. All of his attacks start with or have the word 'Bloody' in them.
6. Akabane is able to take other materials, such as diamonds, and turn them into weapons of his own, which he is then able to control fully. Even if they were made from someone else's attack.
7. Although at first he may just seem like a regular, well-dressed man, Akabane is known throughout Ura Shinjuku as being the cruelist and deadliest Transporter in the field, using whatever means necessary to get a job done.
8. Unlike most people, Akabane doesn't care very much about how much a job pays or how much money he can earn. He will only take a job if he thinks he can get some enjoyment or satisfaction out of it, which usually equates to being able to kill people or fight someone strong.
9. Akabane tends to hide his eyes, which are purple in color, underneith the brim of his hat. However, his hat is constantly being slashed open, so when that happens one of his eyes is always being shown.
10. It can be easily assumed that Akabane used to be a doctor, as his nickname is Doctor Jackal, as well as him carrying surgical scalpels inside his body. This assumption would be completely true, as before he became a transporter he worked as a doctor/surgeon, helping patients out on the battlefield.
11. One main reason why Akabane turned 'evil' happened while he was saving lives out on the battlefield. He was unable to save one lttle boy's life, even though Akabane tried his hardest to save him. Many years later, Akabane comes face-to-face with the boy's father and battles him.
12. Akabane's mood tends to affect what color his scalpels are when he calls them out. If he's feeling rather bored, disinterested, or even playful, his scalpels will glow a soft blue color. However, once Akabane turns serious, angry, or murderous his weapons will reflect this by glowing an angry red.
13. In the manga, Akabane's main way of killing people is by decapitating his victims. However, in the anime, he usually disposes of people through slicing them up with his scalpels or by carving a large J through their torsos. This is his main symbol, and is also performed throughout the manga.
14. Despite his reputation as a heartless killer, Akabane has done his share of helping people out, even if he gained nothing from doing so. Once he asked for the help of Recovery service Ban and Ginji in helping to recover fellow Transporter Himiko Kudo. Akabane has also saved negotiator Hevn a few times, even though he could have just let her die.
15. It's unknown just where Akabane currently lives, but he was once referred to as "Babylon City's Kuroudo Akabane". In the Limitless Fortress, Babylon City was the highest of the three floors, and was where the God's of the fortress were said to reside. This could imply that Akabane once lived with the gods of Babylon City, but supposedly he got bored and left at a certain point.
16. Akabane's main goal in life is to find the one person or people who can fully test the limits of Akabane's power, which even Akabane himself has never seen before. He frequently tries to test his strengths through battling Ban Midou or Ginji Amano once he's reverted back to his 'Lightning Emperor' personality.
17. When taking off most of his clothes, it is obvious that Akabane has been through quite a few battles, as he has scars littering his torso. The most obvious one goes across his left shoulder and all the way down to the lower half of his torso. He also has a blue tatoo branded onto his left arm, although its not really known of the meaning or when he obtained it.
18. One one occasion, after a particularly grueling battle, Akabane is found lying on the ground, covered in blood and supposedly dead. Ginji mourns for his death, asking why him of all people had to die like that. However, Akabane stood up right afterward and proceeded to leave.
19. It's heavily implied that Akabane is 'immortal', as after seemingly being dead Akabane seemed to literally 'rise from the dead' and leave. During that time, he stated to Ginji and the others, "I have never thought about my death, therefore I can't die."
20. Although Akabane can usually be found with a smile on his face, they are all obviously fake and just there to make himself seem pleasant or to have the person let their guard down. In the manga he is only shown truly smiling once, after Ginji says that it's a good thing that Akabane's alive. Akabane then smiles and asks if it really was a good thing.