Feb 13, 2004 19:46
Well the week has gone by pretty well. went to basketball monday, tuesday had a soccer pick up game and ran a mile and a half, wed. ran a mile and a half, and went to one of the scariest places in Lynchburg, Virginia Metals(had to pick some things up for robotics). thursday ran a mile and a half, played basketball for an hour doing a lot of running, and then went to soccer for like two hours doing more running. Thursday was exhausting, and today its taken a toll. though i am really not complaining, its good that i am doing so muck exercise, considering i have soccer tryouts soon, very soon, and i need to lower my mile and a half time 10 seconds. today was great. there were like seven fights at school. the best one, was the one i saw. it happened right after lunch. some ysn threw this other ysn into the lockers right by the new science wing so hard that it broke the lockers. and then he started beating the crap out of the dude. then two teachers brought one of the guys down while douglas pushed the other out of the way. it was great. best fight i've seen all year. that was about the highlight of my day.
earlier this week i got ordered to help clean. for those of you who know what i am talking about, i would just like to say that i am honored and i am ready. by the way i hope to meet twice next week.
had some quizzes and some tests. the hardest being in douglas. spanish quizess were easy, and english quizess weren't bad.
got to take the SAT practice thing tomorrow, not looking forward to that at all. b/c i miss two b-ball games plus robitics. then right after the test i have o go up to my dads. then come home sunday at two for a soccer game, so i know my dad is going not going to like that, but oh well.
robotics is hectic. we have 10 days until we have to ship the robot and we have everything that has to be done. i don't know how we are going to do it.