I believe it rhyms with "urk."

Jan 20, 2009 09:13

When I woke up a few hours ago*, I knew it was an important day.  Specifically, I knew it was Edgar Allan Poe's 200th birthday.

Currently, it's supposedly snowing outside.  At least, it better be snowing, because my roommate woke me up with a high pitched squeak that it was snowing, but to be honest my blurry, sleep filled eyes can't make out a damn thing.  This leads me to the conclusion that it is not so much "snowing" as it is that the same five hundred snowflakes are just being blown around by the wind, never being allowed to land.

Forgive the befuddlement of this post, as I am very, very sleepy, and only got about five hours of shut eye.

About six minutes ago I gave up on sleeping, tottered over to my dresser, and pulled on the first red shirt I had.  I like red.  It's nice and bright and describes everything I'm not today.

And then I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, stared befuzzledly at the mirror, and realized that I was wearing my Rhodes Republicans t-shirt.
Something, I knew, was terribly wrong with that.
And then I realized that ti's Inauguration Day, and maybe that's not the smartest thing in the world to wear on this particular day.

So I changed into a baby blue, NASA "rocket scientist" shirt instead (which is equally ironic for what I was looking for).  Maybe I'll wear my ridiculously over sized Rhodes hoodie with it.


Oh, I think it's snowing more, now.  And by "snowing more," I mean that there are more than five hundred snowflakes out there.  Maybe eight hundred.

*NOT intentionally. Bloody suite mates.

EDIT Further proof that I'm not getting enough sleep: apparently, Poe's birthday was yesterday.

My bad.
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