Review: Our Tragic Universe - Scarlett Thomas

Dec 11, 2010 18:27

Title: Our Tragic Universe
Author: Scarlett Thomas
Genre: Novel
Publisher: Canongate Books (2010)
Pages: Hardcover, 425
Language: English
Rating: 9/10
Summary: Meg -still working on that big break through novel- has been living a quiet excistence with her unemployed boyfriend, whom she once dumped her first long term partner for. To pay the rent she writes mostly pulpfiction under the name of a ficticious sci-fi author. Occasionally she reviews scientific non-fiction. When she accidently receives a semi spiritual book to write about, it seems to inspire her to change her own life.

Spoilerfree Review
On my want-list because of a "if you love this author, you will like this one too" suggestion next to an article about David Mitchell and when I saw it in a shop in London I definitely had to buy it, because it looked absolutely gorgeous. This edition has a graphically designed hardcover in black and gold with -get this- BLACK PAGES. Very cool. As it turns out the story fits the presentation. My most beloved discovery of this year.

Even though I constantly wanted to kick Meg into action, I had to keep reading to find out if she would recognize her own potential. I have little patience (and understanding) for people in failing relationships and the main-character isn't the only one in this book. But there are so many wonderful thoughts and insights and in the end the story even may have made me a little less judgemental about apparent losers. Maybe;)
Highly recommended.
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