Review: Spijt! (Regret!) - Carry Slee

Dec 11, 2010 18:15

Title: Spijt! (Regret!)
Author: Carry Slee
Genre: Children's, Teens, Drama
Publisher: FMB Uitgevers 2010 (1996)
Pages: Hardcover, 239
Language: Dutch
Rating: 8/10
Summary: David sees how Jochem is being bullied, but doesn't know what to do. Until things go very wrong.

Spoilerfree Review
Bought as part of a whole 'classic'-collection; all of Carry Slee's previous books are republished in beautiful hardcovers with black and white photos and golden titles; I just couldn't resist buying the whole series for Children's bookweek. This was her first book aimed at teenagers and it deals with a big issue: what do you do when someone in your class is being bullied? Do you speak up or do you keep quiet out of fear of being picked on yourself?
Confrontational and tougher than I had expected. Slee has got a magnificent grasp of the teen-lingo and I understand why she is the most popular Dutch author in the genre. And even though I couldn't handle another teenage drama right after this one, I am looking forward to reading the rest of her books.

teens, dutch

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