Review: Boy - James Hanley

Feb 04, 2010 22:59

Title: Boy
Author: James Hanley
Genre: Drama
Publisher: One World Classics Ltd (2007), 1931
Pages: paperback, 175
Language: English
Rating: 7/10
Summary: Twelve year old Fearon has to quit school, because his parents need the extra money. His father gets him a job in the shipyard. Fearon is treated very roughly and runs away from home. He stows away on a freighter, hoping to start a new life. When he is discovered and put to work he learns quickly that a ship full of rugged seamen is not a very safe place for an innocent young boy.

Spoilerfree review
I accidentally bought this book as a present based on the title and cover. But after carefully reading the summary I decided it was too harsh to give away.
This book was supressed for more than fifty years by a prosecution for obscenity. It is indeed a rather disturbing story, but one that definitely needs to be available for the public.
I found the old English language sometimes difficult to understand, mostly because of the use of a lot of ancient expressions and dialects. Regardless of the label of obscenity I thought the author often tried to cover up the lewdness which made it hard to figure out what was going on.
But even though it's not easy to read, the book is worth the effort.

My edition included an essay on the writer and extended notes on the book.


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