Title: Fokke & Sukke, het afzien van 2009
Author: Reid, Geleijnse & Van Tol
Genre: Comic
Publisher: Uitgeverij Catullus
Pages: paperback, 112
Language: Dutch
Rating: 9/10
Summary: Cartoon characters Fokke and Sukke discuss newstopics from 2009
Review with sample comic
Fokke & Sukke are very popular cartoon characters in The Netherlands. In addition to a daily comic in a national newspaper (NRC) and a weekly comic in the TV guide (VARA) they also appear on daily talkshow DWDD. There is a huge archive on
their website. The comic is made since 1997 by three former students and there is no subject they don't cover. I'm trying to collect all their books and I loved this latest collection from 2009. It has many observations and jokes about the news that instantly make you remember what happened in the last year. I translated one of my favorites:
Their ten year anniversary book is available in several languages, including English.
Details on the website (scroll down:)