Jan 09, 2019 10:30
I've been deliberately posting on IG everyday, with both my accounts. Sewing account with clothes I've sewn (outfit post), personal with what I've done that day. I used to do 365 self portraits that I would post on Flickr. I never regretted it. I look at IG everyday, so why not post EVERY SINGLE DAY. Not sure if it's a good or bad idea, but I think my ultimate goal is to post/look at IG in one sitting. Once the sun sets, drink a mug of tea and scroll through IG and post in one sitting. I'm not there yet, but I think that would be nice. And just to comment, DM, engage more since IG is like the only way I stay in contact with everyone except for my husband and my sister.
After Christmas me and Ben bought a mattress. We had been talking about it for a couple years and we decided just to do it. Without overthinking it, we decided just to buy whatever from West Elm and once I get the 10% rewards dollars back, buy a new bed frame. We are going to get frame only and use our existing headboard since it matches our bedroom set. Anyway, we got the Sapira mattress delivered on Friday and it still hasn't hit my credit card statement! Kind of seems like a long time for it not to show up. Whenever this happens, I dream that I'll just get it for free, but that never happens. Its comfortable and not 20 years old (or however old the floral print mattress is that we had been sleeping on).
I'm still working on organizing/cleaning my house. It's pretty fun, I guess? I'm kind of at a standstill because we need to take our old mattress (and 1,000 cardboard boxes)to the dump, but Ben has been working a lot and hasn't had the time. I also have a load of stuff to take to Goodwill but I have been too lazy. Maybe today?
Ben has been... different lately. He's really onboard the clean/declutter train with me, in a really refreshing way. I went to bed early last night, and Ben, after working a 12 hour day, unloaded the dishwasher and cleaned the entire kitchen. He cleans his music room everyday! He likes to talk about it too, which is funny. He's says "it really sucks when you're actively doing it, but then you put the towel on the rack and look at what you just did and it makes you feel really good! it's worth it!"
Ben's been having a hard time at work because his rock isn't there any more so he doesn't know how to handle the whole situation. I feel really proud of him though, since instead of crying about it every night like he used to, he's been looking for a new job! I have mixed feelings about it, but my number one priority is that Ben is happy! That's all I want! So I support him in any decision he makes, just like he has been supporting me! He has a pretty solid possible job lined up, so that's really great. Ultimately, he will probably make less money, not have as good of health care, but will get paid time off and work with kinder souls so he should be in a better mood. Worth it!
I was able to sign up for another pottery class! That starts in a couple weeks and I'm excited. It's the same teacher and time, and I hope it's similar to my last class because I loved it. Now that I have a little experience in it, I feel like maybe I can make things more deliberately rather than by whatever felt natural. Who knows!
My 2019 word is deliberate. de·lib·er·ate
done consciously and intentionally.
"a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict"
synonyms: intentional, calculated, conscious, done on purpose, intended, planned, meant, considered, studied, knowing, willful, wanton, purposeful, purposive, premeditated, preplanned, thought out in advance, prearranged, preconceived, predetermined; More
engage in long and careful consideration.
"she deliberated over the menu"