[stolen brazenly from hbdeath]
JG got this from one of the breakfast shift DJs @ 2ser.
I do not usually write to radio stations as I prefer the more civilised discourse of talkback. However I wish to complain about the outrageous cacaphony broadcast on your program this morning.
I believe the piece (I refuse to call it a "work") was called Enmore Station by the Stanmore Saucerers or somesuch. Not only was the music at least as objectionable as anything in Macedonian culture but the irresponsible inclusion of City Rail announcements in the music (NOT FUNNY) provoked a great deal of confusion for this commuter, resulting in my frantic evacuation of my train carriage, the resultant ire of my fellow passengers and my subsequent arrest.
I demand you do not play this work again. Either create a sanitised version for radio or at the very least provide a warning message before broadcast.
Warm regards,"
[name withheld]