I got my permit last month. This past weekend, I took two days of those CHP motorcycle safety classes and passed with flying colors. Things got ugly, as I let my uber-competitve side out and tried to out ride everyone in the class. Silly as it is, when it comes to stuff like that I don't just want to learn, I need to be THE BEST. In approximately a week and a half, I'll have an M1 motorcycle license (of course, my license will be no better than all the sucky people in my class who through my graceful riding were made to look like uncoordinated swine).
Am I going to get a motorcycle? No. I'm getting a Vespa.
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Off topic: I don't know why, but one of my biggest pet peeves is when pretty girls use their looks to get things from men. Maybe it's because I do the same thing. Maybe I've gotten by on my looks my entire life. Maybe I just don't like it when people try to give me a taste of my own medicine. Maybe.
YOU don't think I get by on my looks, do you? *flutters eyelids*