-This diet and exercise thing has us eating almost like vegetarians. ALMOST. It's weird, I question my manhood daily. What is the recommended daily value of animal (based on a 2,000 calorie diet) anyway? 2nd weigh-ins are tomorrow, wish me luck.
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-Filipinos always have this joke that everyone has an "Auntie Baby," which I've thought was funny because I didn't have one. Then I realized, it's because MY MOM is everyone's auntie baby.
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-I got an idea for a short film I'd like to do sometime this year. I've always got ideas for things that would require a substantial amount of money to produce. This one, however, would cost about as much as my ghetto cut Beta Lion commercials. The tenative title, "Today, I'm going to work on my music." Somewhere in it I'm going to probably incorporate this clip (starting at about 2min):
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