Oct 03, 2006 09:17
Yes, it was the long weekend over here in South Australia, and the weather was meh, nice three quarters of the time. Renee, Ella and I decided that we will go to Storybook Cottage and Wacky Wood in Tanunda (just near my work) and bring Renee's mum and her brothers kids etc. We got the brochure from this other cool farm we went a few weeks ago in the hills. Silly me forgot to update that weekend. That was heaps worth it.
Anywayz, so we drove and got there around 12pm, just in time for lunch. Lets just say, no offence to the owners, but for seven bux entry, wouldnt hurt for you to do some maintenance of the place for starters. Well, sure they had little diaoramas of all the kids stories we all grew up with, (including Miffy - sad but true) but the main part, which had supposedly "games" were just old car parts welded together trying to make things. For example they had two old metal milk jug thingys with welded legs on them and a bar for you to hold onto. (yes there was 2) and you had to race them on a concrete strip about 10m just by jiggling side to side. Nathan and I tried it but damn, sure hurt your butt.
Also there was a big bit of iron bent into a celtic knot with string on it, you had to try get it off. Renee did it in 10 secs. Sure, she is a genuis with those things but hey, bit harder wouldnt hurt. They had oversized chess, checkers and snakes and ladders but the upkeep was not the greatest.
Now, the animals, they all looked malnourished, not fed in about 3 months, especially the donkey. And to make matters worse, we were on our way out and Renee got pecked on the leg by the male duck and made her leg bleed. I was pissed, so I got them to put it away and get her a bandaid etc. Just imagine if it was either Ella or another kid. Grrrr...Not going back there.
Well, back to work now.