Another Day Comes To A Close

Dec 08, 2023 00:32

This week seemed to have flown by. Plus my brain has not been working. I keep losing my train of thought and forgetting things. I walked upstairs and forgot what/why I had come upstairs so I turned around and went back downstairs, I walked into I the kitchen and the laundry room and the same thing happened. But the thing that really scared me was, I went to turn the heat down and I couldn’t figure out how to do it. It’s such a simple thing but I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out.

Hubby is taking Frankie to the vet tomorrow bc he has a cold and a runny nose. Hopefully there’s nothing to wrong with him.
So while he’s gone I have a few things to do around here.
Have a great day tomorrow

Until we meet again here is tonight’s song choice.
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