Happy Valentine's!

Feb 14, 2011 20:26

It was their second Valentine’s Day together.

In fact, while their anniversary was technically in the end of January, right after Irene’s birthday, today was a very, very special day, too. Hell, smutty as it sounded, it was a year ago today that they’d first all been really together … as in having sex. Not in twos or even threes, although the weekend leading to Valentine’s had been Caleb’s first time with Pogue, too, something a very long, hurdled while in the making. But today was for all of them.

And while last year had been in a luxurious hotel room, with borrowed furniture and specialized cuisine, tonight Caleb was cooking in.

It was a four-course meal, one favorite course for each of them, and no, he didn’t forget himself, or he’d get glares that would decidedly spoil the mood. And he didn’t want that.

Three of those four courses could be finger-eaten. Or finger-fed. Maybe not neatly, as was particularly the case with the dessert, but it was a possibility. One that he suspected they would get around.

He also set the table properly. For four. With a white tablecloth, tall candlestick with rose-scented candles, crystal glasses, elegant silverware. Comfortable chairs. And not the large table they used when they had guests, either. A small one which would enable them to reach around and across it to touch each other very easily.

He prepared music, too. This time kind of cheating - by borrowing the soft jazz compilation that Dee had set up for them last year. Nobody had ever doubted he was sentimental, anyway - he saw no reason to disappoint that expectation. Especially since they did all like it.

And the bedroom... The familiar softness of Egyptian cotton sheets around fluffy soft light covers. Incense burned in the room before a quick airing, so it scented everything but did not choke the air.

Also, naturally, all kinds of things they might - probably would - need, at an easy reach. As well as a stand if they decided to kidnap some of the food to the bedroom, too.

All in readiness. All as good as he could make it.

The food kept warm, he settled to wait for Dee, and then Pogue and Irene, to find their way home after work.

Home, and love, and a special, special evening.

interaction: open, chars: pogue, voice: ic, misc: love, chars: dee, type: fic, chars: irene, verse: divergence

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