Apr 25, 2005 18:53
So today started odd when I aproached work, and everyone was standing outside looking at something. It was a white dove, and he had a nametag on his wrist. He was very calm, and didn't flutter around much, when he tried to he didn't get far.. im asuming his wings were clipped. My store manager wanted to try getting him in an open box since it was cold, and asked "how do we get him in?" I followed him around cooing slightly [everyone probably thought i was psycho] but eventually I got him calm enough that I picked him right up and put him in the box. I held him calmly petting him, he got all squinty and happy. I lifted my hands and he stayed there. We tried to call animal shelters.. no one would do anyhting. We explained it was obviously used to hands and was someones.. no one cared. We couldn't do anything. Eventually he left the box and dissapared. Hopefully he didn't get hit by a car, or some jackass didn't hurt him. It pissed me off we couldn't do more, he was so cute. It was so easy for me to handle him.. and it reminded me how much I love animals.. and I considered applying to penn for their animal programs.. vetinary/animal psychology. Something. Its an option. But later in the day I came up with some ideas for our department and my store manager was impressed.. its so easy for me to brainstorm and come up with neat ideas, and that makes me want to go to school for merchandising and design. Id like to do either, but I also always wanted to be in the video game industry. Way too many optionss.
So my parents came down. We went and got a sweet new fish tank, its 45 gallons. At the pet store i saw the batch of hamsters we got ours from, mine are HUGE now compared to them because I spoil my babies and don't give them crappy block food. But anyway, my parents just did a day trip.. guess they had other stuff to do. The extra time this weekend allowed me to finally get my warcraft character to 60, and my alt is almost to 10.
Hmm I got a notice in the mail saying I might have one a million dollars. Pat didn't get one. But I don't even want to know whats going to happen if I call that "toll free" number. I sure as hell could use a million dollars though. Maybe I'll make Pat call, and have him say I'm mute.