Another weeked of trying to save money and not go out often. We did go to the Zoo for a project Pat had to do and I took some photos. A lot of animals weren't there because its the winter, but oh well. I put the pictures on my website I got some really good shots and I'm happy about that. A lot are blurry because of the glass that was SMOTHERED in hand prints and gross stuff. I felt so dirty :(
I watched the Super Bowl, didn't really care who won really. I guess I've just been around so many Eagles fans that I kinda hoped they would do good, and I think they did an alright job even though they didn't win. Both teams seemed to be making stupid mistakes to me, but I don't really know what I'm talking about. What I DO know is that was the most boring halftime show I've ever seen in my life.
I asked my parents if they could give me some money for a treadmill thingy.. as a super early birthday present. I want/need to be in shape this summer, I'm getting really sick of myself. And thats not a good thing.
I've been thinking about school again, and I'm leaning towards majoring in Merchandising with a minor in something vague.. like communications or business. I'd like to minor in CS but I am math retarded. So it might not work out well.
I feel so sick tired and drained. Time to watch 24 [best show ever] and pass out.